




1993-1998 清华大学电机系电气工程及其自动化专业获工学学士学位

1998-2004 清华大学自动化系控制科学与工程专业获工学博士学位


2005年2月-2008年9月 普林斯顿大学化学系,博士后

2008年9月-至今 清华大学自动化系,讲师、副教授

2011年9月-10月 日本理化学研究所,访问学者

2012年9月-10月 澳大利亚国立大学,访问学者




2. 量子系统优化控制的复杂性理论 (Landscape Theory),与普林斯顿大学H. Rabitz教授合作,研究涉及封闭和开放量子控制系统的图景拓扑分析中的一系列基础理论问题及其在核磁共振系统中的实验验证。

3. 量子技术在工业系统中的应用,探索如何利用量子通信技术等已进入实用化阶段的量子技术解决工业系统中目前无法彻底解决的安全问题。








基金委-中国工程院 “中国工程科技中长期发展战略研究”联合基金项目






1.Wu RB, Brif C, James MR and Rabitz H (2015), "Limits of optimal control yields achievable with quantum controllers", Physical Review A., April, 2015. Vol. 91(4), pp. 042327.

2.Zhang TM, Wu RB, Zhang FH, Tarn TJ and Long GL (2015), "Minimum-Time Selective Control of Homonuclear Spins", IEEE Transactions On Control Systems Technology., September, 2015. Vol. 23(5), pp. 2018-2025.

3.Sun Q, Pelczer I, Riviello G, Wu RB and Rabitz H (2014), "Experimental exploration over a quantum control landscape through nuclear magnetic resonance", Physical Review A., March, 2014. Vol. 89(3), pp. 033413.

4.Wu RB, Li TF, Kofman AG, Zhang J, Liu Y-X, Pashkin YA, Tsai JS and Nori F (2013), "Spectral analysis and identification of noises in quantum systems", Physical Review A., February, 2013. Vol. 87(2), pp. 022324.

5.Feng X, Pechen A, Jha A, Wu RB and Rabitz H (2012), "Global optimality of fitness landscapes in evolution", Chemical Science. Vol. 3(3), pp. 900-906.

6.Wu RB, Long R, Dominy J, Ho T-S and Rabitz H (2012), "Singularities of quantum control landscapes", Physical Review A., July, 2012. Vol. 86(1), pp. 013405.

7.Xue S-B, Wu RB, Zhang W-M, Zhang J, Li C-W and Tarn T-J (2012), "Decoherence suppression via non-Markovian coherent feedback control", Physical Review A., November, 2012. Vol. 86(5), pp. 052304.

8.Zhang J, Wu RB, Liu Y-x, Li C-W and Tarn T-J (2012), "Quantum Coherent Nonlinear Feedback With Applications to Quantum Optics on Chip", IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control., August, 2012. Vol. 57(8), pp. 1997-2008.

9.Wu RB, Hsieh MA and Rabitz H (2011), "Role of controllability in optimizing quantum dynamics", Physical Review A., June, 2011. Vol. 83(6), pp. 062306.

10.Pechen A, Brif C, Wu RB, Chakrabarti R and Rabitz H (2010), "General unifying features of controlled quantum phenomena", Physical Review A., September, 2010. Vol. 82(3), pp. 030101.

11.Wu RB, Pechen A, Rabitz H, Hsieh M and Tsou B (2008), "Control landscapes for observable preparation with open quantum systems", Journal of Mathematical Physics., February, 2008. Vol. 49(2), pp. 022108.

12.Wu RB, Rabitz H and Hsieh M (2008), "Characterization of the critical submanifolds in quantum ensemble control landscapes", Journal of Physics A-mathematical and Theoretical., January, 2008. Vol. 41(1), pp. 015006.

13.Wu RB, Chakrabarti R and Rabitz H (2008), "Optimal control theory for continuous-variable quantum gates", Physical Review A., May, 2008. Vol. 77(5), pp. 052303.

14.Wu RB, Tarn TJ and Li CW (2006), "Smooth controllability of infinite-dimensional quantum-mechanical systems", Physical Review A., January, 2006. Vol. 73(1), pp. 012719.


1.Wu RB, Zhang J, Li CW, Long GL and Tarn TJ (2012), "Control problems in quantum systems", Science Bulletin., June, 2012. Vol. 57(18), pp. 2194-2199.

2.Rabitz H, Wu RB, Ho TS, Tibbetts K, Feng X, Fundamental Principles of Control Landscapes with Applications to to Quantum Mechanics, Chemistry and Evolution, in Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes, Richter H, Engelbrecht A (Editors), Springer, 2013.

3.Dong WB, Wu RB, Yuan X, Li CW and Tarn T-J (2015), "The modelling of quantum control systems", Science Bulletin., September, 2015. Vol. 60(17), pp. 1493-1508.


本科生专业基础课《自动控制原理》 (2011-)

