Research Direction:
Modeling, design, optimization, and implementation of complex industrial automation systems
Intelligent manufacturing
Enterprise CIMS application information integration platform
Industrial internet
Equipment failure diagnosis and system maintenance,
Research Direction:
Strategic management of enterprise informationization, modern service science and technology, computer integrated manufacturing systems, Intelligent Manufacturing and Industry 4.0, business process modeling and optimization, and big data and intelligent service platforms
Research Direction:
structure identification, analysis and synthesis of networked dynamic systems
Research Direction:
1. E-commerce theory, technology, and applications
2. R&D and application of blockchain basic technology
3. Crowd science, data science, service science and applications
4. Smart manufacturing
5. Cloud manufacturing
Research Direction:
1. Stochastic optimization and intelligent scheduling of complex processes in manufacturing
2. Theoretical methods of machine learning and reinforcement learning, and their applications
3. Underwater robot intelligent detection, identification, and optimal control technology
4. Deep sea space information processing technology and intelligent control systems
Research Direction:
1. Intelligent manufacturing
2. Intelligent synthetic biomanufacturing
3. Artificial intelligence-driven innovative drug development and precision medicine
4. Microfluidics
Research Direction:
1. Smart manufacturing
2. Industrial intelligence and big data
3 Complex system modeling and virtual simulation
Research Direction:
1. Multi-agent modeling and simulation
2. Complex network modeling and simulation
3. Data driven modeling and simulation
4. Simulation system and engineering
Research Direction:
Robust, secure and interpretable third-generation artificial intelligence and its applications in industry and modern service sectors
1. Vision-based algorithms for surface defect detection of industrial products
2. Motion trajectory-based compliance monitoring algorithms for shop floor operations
3. Data-driven health assessment and fault diagnosis of industrial equipment (wind power, nuclear power)
4. Algorithm and task optimization for cloud-edge collaboration (cloud computing and edge computing)
5. Industrial internet and intelligent control in smart manufacturing
6. Artificial intelligence approaches in the medical research
7. Data science and service science
8. Knowledge maps for manufacturing and service industries
Research Direction:
1. Networked control systems
2. Distributed optimization and learning
3. Reinforcement learning and its applications
Research Direction:
1. Virtual assembly and its related technology research
2. Research on product development in virtual reality (VR) environment and its related technologies
3. Research on product R&D informationization and its key technologies
Research Direction:
1. District e-commerce theory, technology, and applications
2. Blockchain basic technology development and applications
3. Crowd intelligence science, data science, service science, and applications
4. Intelligent manufacturing
5. Cloud manufacturing
Research Direction:
Web technology and its applications, resource management and optimization, service science, enterprise information system and engineering, modern project management technology, etc., with more in-depth research and practice in the web application, cross-organizational resource service architecture, service description, service discovery and combination, service negotiation, web service monitoring and evaluation index, method system, etc. Current research interests include: the integration of high-quality services with next-generation information technology, the application of artificial intelligence technology in carbon emission monitoring, carbon neutrality.
Research Direction:
Enterprise information engineering
Modeling and analysis of complex systems
Collaborative engineering
Research Direction:
Robotic manipulation, visual servoing, human-robot interaction, and micro/nano robots
Research Direction:
1. Intelligent device for synthetic biology
2. Single cell analysis and sorting technology