1992.7. - 1994.12. 在清华大学自动化系任讲师
1995.1. - 2000.8. 在清华大学自动化系任副教授
2000.9. - 现在 在清华大学自动化系任教授
国际学术杂志IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence的编委(Associate Editor)
1. 阎平凡,张长水,人工神经网络与模拟进化计算,清华大学出版社,2000,11,北京
3. David Zhang,Automated Biometrics: Technologies and Systems, Kluwer Acdemic Publisher, USA, June,2000。合著
International Journal
1. Jian Liang, Ziqi Liu, Jiayu Zhou, Xiaoqian Jiang, Changshui Zhang and Fei Wang. Model-Protected Multi-Task Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2020).
2. Yiwen Guo, Long Chen, Yurong Chen, and Changshui Zhang. On Connections between Regularizations for Improving DNN Robustness. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2020).
3. Zhong Cao, Jiang Lu, Sen Cui and Changshui Zhang. Zero-Shot Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition with Hierarchical Decomposition Embedding. Pattern Recognition. vol. 107, Nov. 2020.
4. Jiang Lu, Sheng jin, Jian Liang and Changshui Zhang. Robust Few-Shot Learning for User-Provided Data. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Apr. 2020.
5. Runpeng Cui, Zhong Cao, Weishen Pan, Changshui Zhang, Jianqiang Wang. Deep Gesture Video Generation with Learning on Regions of Interest. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 2551-2563. Oct. 2020.
6. Kailun Wu, Yiwen Guo, and Changshui Zhang. Compressing Deep Neural Networks with Sparse Matrix Factorization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 3828-3838, Oct. 2020
7. Ziang Yan, Yiwen Guo, Changshui Zhang. Adversarial Margin Maximization Networks. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Oct. 2019.
8. Rui Lu, Zhiyao Duan, Changshui Zhang. Audio–Visual Deep Clustering for Speech Separation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 1697-1712, Nov. 2019.
9. Nan Jiang, Sheng Jin, Changshui Zhang. Hierarchical automatic curriculum learning: Converting a sparse reward navigation task into dense reward. Neurocomputing 360(2019): 265-278.
10. Wenzheng Hu, Junqi Jin, Tie-yan Liu, Changshui Zhang. Automatically Design Convolutional Neural Networks by Optimization with Submodularity and Supermodularity. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 3215-3229, Sept. 2019.
11. Daqing Chang, Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang. An Accelerated Linearly-Convergent Stochastic L-BFGS Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 3338-3346, Nov. 2019.
12. Runpeng Cui, Hu Liu, Changshui Zhang. A Deep Neural Framework for Continuous Sign Language Recognition by Iterative Training. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 1880-1891, 2019
13. Rui Lu, Zhiyao Duan and Changshui Zhang. Listen and Look: Audio–Visual Matching Assisted Speech Source Separation IEEE Signal Processing Letters Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 1315-1319, Sept. 2018
14. Chengzhe Yan, Kailun Wu and Changshui Zhang. A New Anchor-Labeling Method For Oriented Text Detection Using Dense Detection Framework IEEE Signal Processing Letters Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 1295-1299, Sept. 2018
15. Chongliang Luo, Jian Liang, Gen Li, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang, Dipak K. Dey, Kun Chen. Leveraging Mixed and Incomplete Outcomes via Reduced-Rank Modeling Journal of Multivariate Analysis Volume 167, 2018, Pages 378-394.
16. Dejun Chu, Rui Lu, Jin Li, Xintong Yu, Changshui Zhang and Qing Tao. Optimizing Top-k Multiclass SVM via Semismooth Newton Algorithm IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 6264-6275, Dec. 2018.
17. Daqing Chang, Ming Lin and Changshui Zhang. On the Generalization Ability of Online Gradient Descent Algorithm Under the Quadratic Growth Condition IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 5008-5019, Oct. 2018.
18. Jian Liang, Kun Chen, Ming Lin, Changshui Zhang, Fei Wang. Robust Finite Mixture Regression For Heterogeneous Targets. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery November 2018, Volume 32, Issue 6, pp 1509–1560.
19. Jiang Lu, Jin Li, Ziang Yan, Fenghua Mei and Changshui Zhang. Attribute-Based Synthetic Network (ABS-Net): Learning More From Pseudo Feature Representations Pattern Recognition 80 (2018): 129-142
20. Kun, Fu; Jin, Li; Junqi, Jin; Changshui, Zhang. Image-Text Surgery: Efficient Concept Learning in Image Captioning by Generating Pseudo Pairs IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 5910-5921, Dec. 2018.
21. Chengzhe Yan, Jie Hu and Zhang Changshui. Deep Transformer: A Framework for 2D Text Image Rectification From Planar Transformations Neurocomputing 289 (2018): 32-43
22. Jiang Lu, Jie Hu, Guannan, Zhao, Fenghua Mei and Changshui Zhang. An in-field automatic wheat disease diagnosis system Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 142 (2017): 369-379.
23. Dejun Chu, Changshui Zhang, and Qing Tao. A faster cutting plane algorithm with accelerated line search for linear SVM Pattern Recognition. Volume 67, Pages 127-138, July 2017
24. Qing Zhuo, Yanpin Ren, Yongheng Jiang, Changshui Zhang. Hands-On Learning Through Racing: Signal processing and engineering education through the China National Collegiate Intelligent Model Car Competition. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 2017, 34(1),31 - 39
25. Wenzheng Hu, Qing Zhuo, Jianke Li, Changshui Zhang. Fast Branch Convolutional Neural Network for Traffic Sign Recognition. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Vol.9, No.3, pp.114-126, Fall 2017
26. Kun Fu, Junqi Jin, Runpeng Cui, Fei Sha, Changshui Zhang. Aligning where to see and what to tell: image captioning with region-based attention and scene-specific contexts. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). Vol.39, No.12, pp. 2321-2334, 1 Dec. 2017
27. Haisheng Xu, Jian Wang, Jian Yuan, Chunxiao Jiang and Changshui Zhang. Generalized RQ Minimization With Applications in Array Transmit Beamforming IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters Vol. 16, pp. 177-180, 2017.
28. Hana Godrich, Arye Nehorai, Ali Tajer, Maria Sabrina Greco and Changshui Zhang. Special Article Series on Signal Processing Education via Hands-On and Design Projects [From the Guest Editors] IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 13-15, Jan. 2017
29. Zhaohui Wu, Yongdi Zhou, Zhongzhi Shi, Changshui Zhang, Guanglin Li, Xiaoxiang Zheng, Nenggan Zheng, and Gang Pan. Cyborg Intelligence: Recent Progress and Future Directions IEEE Intelligent Systems Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 44-50, Nov.-Dec. 2016.
30. Min Wu, Adi Hajj-Ahmad, Matthias Kirchner, Yanpin Ren, Changshui Zhang and Patrizio Campisi. Location Signatures That You Don't See: Highlights from the IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2016 Student Competition [SP Education] IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 149-156, Sept. 2016
31. Hongwei Qin, Xiu Li, Jian Liang, Yigang Peng, and Changshui Zhang. DeepFish: Accurate underwater live fish recognition with a deep architecture Neurocomputing 187 (2016): 49-58.
32. Zhenwei Shi, Zhengxia Zou and Changshui Zhang. Real-Time Traffic Light Detection With Adaptive Background Suppression Filter IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 690-700, March 2016.
33. Ming Lin, Lijun Zhang, Rong Jin, Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang. Online Kernel Learning with Nearly Constant Support Vectors. Neurocomputing 179 (2016): 26-36.
34. Zhenwei Shi, Zhengxia Zou, Changshui Zhang. Real Time Traffic Light Detection with Adaptive Background Suppression Filter. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
35. Zhen Hu, Ming Lin, Changshui Zhang. Dependent Online Kernel Learning With Constant Number of Random Fourier Features. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on. Volume 26, Issue 10, Pages 2464-2476, October 2015
36. Hou Guangdong, Runpeng Cui; Zheng Pan, Zhang Changshui. Tree-based Compact Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search. Neurocomputing. Volume 166, Issue 20, Pages 271-281, October 2015
37. Shiming Xiang, Gaofeng Meng, Ying Wang, Chunhong Pan and Changshui Zhang. Image Deblurring with Coupled Dictionary Learning. International Journal of Computer Vision. Volume 114, Issue 2-3, Pages 248-271, September 2015
38. Zhenyu An, Zhenwei Shi, Ying Wu, Changshui Zhang. A Novel Unsupervised Approach to Discovering Regions of Interest in Traffic Images. Pattern Recognition. Volume 48, Issue 8, Pages 2581-2591, August 2015
39. Ming Lin, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Large-Scale Eigenvector Approximation via Hilbert Space Embedding Nystrom. Pattern Recognition. Volume 48, Issue 5, Pages 1904-1912, May 2015
40. Zhigang Wang, Zengshun Zhao, Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang. Incremental Multiple Instance Outlier Detection. Neural Computing and Applications. Volume 26, Issue4, Pages 957-968, May 2015
41. Zheng Pan, Ming Lin, Guangdong Hou, Changshui Zhang. Damping Proximal Coordinate descent Algorithm for Non-convex Regularization. Neurocomputing. Volume 152, Issue 25, Pages 151-163, March 2015
42. Zhigang Wang, Zengshun Zhao, Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang. Solving one-class problem with outlier examples by SVM. Neurocomputing. Volume 149, Part A, Pages 100-105, February 2015
43. Wei Tang, Zhenwei Shi, Ying Wu and Changshui Zhang Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data Using Spectral a Priori Information. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Volume 53, Issue 2, February 2015, pp. 770-783
44. Pan, Zheng, and Changshui Zhang. Relaxed sparse eigenvalue conditions for sparse estimation via non-convex regularized regression. Pattern Recognition. Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 231-243, January 2015
45. Zhen Guo, Bor Yann Liaw, Xinping Qiu, Lanlan Gao, Changshui Zhang. Optimal charging method for lithium ion batteries using a universal voltage protocol accommodating aging. Journal of Power Sources Volume 274, Issue 15, Pages 957-964, January 2015
46. Jin Junqi, Fu Kun, Zhang Changshui Traffic Sign Recognition With Hinge Loss Trained Convolutional Neural Networks. Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2014
47. Jingdong Wang, Huaizu Jiang, Yangqing Jia, Xian-Sheng Hua, Changshui Zhang and Long Quan. Regularized Tree Partitioning and Its Application to Unsupervised Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP). Vol. 23, No. 4, April 2014
48. Han Li, Yashu Liu, Pinghua Gong, Changshui Zhang , Jieping Ye. Hierarchical Interactions Model for Predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer's disease. Plos One. Volume 9, Issue 1, e82450, January 2014
49. Ming Lin, Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang On the Sample Complexity of Random Fourier Features for Online Learning: How Many Random Fourier Features Do We Need? ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD).8.3(2014):13.
50. Chenping Hou, Feiping Nie, Changshui Zhang, Dongyun Yi, Yi Wu Multiple rank multi-linear SVM for matrix data classification. Pattern Recognition (PR). Volume 47, Issue 1, Pages 454-469, January 2014
51. Jiao Long, Zhenwei Shi, Wei Tang, and Changshui Zhang Single Remote Sensing Image Dehazing. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL). VOL. 11, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014.
52. Zhen Guo, Xinping Qiu, Guangdong Hou, Bor Yann Liaw, Changshui Zhang. State of health estimation for lithium ion batteries based on charging curves . Journal of Power Sources, 2014.
53. Chenping Hou, Feiping Nie, Yuanyuan Jiao, Changshui Zhang, Yi Wu. Learning a subspace for clustering via pattern shrinking. Inf. Process. Manage. 49(4): 871-883 (2013)
54. Zhigang Wang, Zengshun Zhao, Changshui Zhang. Online Multiple Instance Regression . Chinese Physics BVolumn 22, No.9, 2013
55. Pinghua Gong, Jieping Ye, Changshui Zhang Multi-Stage Multi-Task Feature Learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) Volumn 14, Pages 2979-3010, 2013
56. Shizhun Yang, Chenping Hou, Changshui Zhang. Robust non-negative matrix factorization via joint sparse and graph regularization for transfer learning . Neural Computing and Applications, Volume 23, Number 2, Pages 541-559, August. 2013.
57. Zeng-Shun Zhao, Xiang Feng, Sheng-Hua Teng , Yi-Bin Li, Chang-Shui Zhang. Multi-scale Point Correspondence Using Feature Distribution and Frequency Domain Alignment. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/382369.
58. Nie, FP; Xiang, SM; Liu, Y; Hou, CP; Zhang, CS. Orthogonal vs. uncorrelated least squares discriminant analysis for feature extraction. Pattern Recognition Letters (PR). Volume 33, No. 5, pp. 485-491, 2012
59. Pinghua Gong, Changshui Zhang. Efficient Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via Projected Newton Method.Pattern Recognition (PR). Volume 45, Issue 9, pp. 3557-3565, September 2012
60. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie, Gaofeng Meng, Chunhong Pan, and Changshui Zhang. Discriminative Least Squares Regression for Multiclass Classification and Feature Selection. IEEE Transactions on Neural Netwrok and Learning System (T-NNLS). , 23(11), pp. 1738-1754, 2012.
61. Kun Gai, Zhenwei Shi, and Changshui Zhang. Blind Separation of Superimposed Moving Images Using Image Statistics. IEEE Transaction on pattern analysis and machine intelligence(TPAMI), Volumn 34, Issue 1, Pages 19-32. 2012.
62. Shizhun Yang, Ming Lin, Chenping Hou, Changshui Zhang, Yi Wu. A General Framework for Transfer Sparse Subspace Learning. Neural Computing and Applications. Volume 21, Number 7, Pages 1801-1817, August 2012.
63. Shiming Xiang, Gaofeng Meng, Ying Wang, Chunhong Pan, Changshui Zhang. Image Deblurring with Matrix Regression and Gradient Evolution. Pattern Recognition, Volumn 45, Issue 6, Pages 2164-2179, June 2011.
64. Shouchun Chen, Fei Wang, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang. Semi-supervised Ranking Aggregation. Information Processing and Management, Volumn 47, Issue 3, Pages 415-25, May 2011.
65. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie, Chunhong Pan, Changshui Zhang. Regression Reformulations of LLE and LTSA with Locally Linear Transformation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B ( T-SMC-B), Volumn 41, Issue 5, Pages 1250-62. October 2011.
66. Shiming Xiang, Chunhong pan, Feiping Nie, and Changshui Zhang. Interactive Image Segmentation with Multiple Linear Reconstructions in Windows. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volumn 13, Issue 2, Pages 342-352 , April 2011.
67. Chenping Hou, Feiping Nie, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang, Yi Wu. Semi-Supervised Learning Using Negative Labels. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Volumn 22, Issue 3, Pages 420-432, March 2011.
68. Zheng Wang, ShuichengYan, ChangshuiZhang. Active learning with adaptive regularization. Pattern Recognition, Volumn 44, Pages 2375-2383. 2011.
69. Pinghua Gong , Kun Gai and Changshui Zhang. Efficient Euclidean Projections via Piecewise Root Finding and Its Application in Gradient Projection. Neurocomputing, Volumn 74, Pages 2754-2766. 2011.
70. Fei Wang, Bin Zhao, Changshui Zhang. Unsupervised Large Margin Discriminative Projection. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks(TNN), Volumn 22, Issue 9, Pages 1446-1456. 2011.
71. Feiping Nie, Zinan Zeng, Tsang Ivor, Dong Xu, Changshui Zhang. Spectral Embedded Clustering: A Framework for In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Spectral Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks(TNN), Volumn 22, Issue 11, Pages 1796-1808. 2011.
72. Zhang Changshui, Hou Guangdong, Wang Jun. A Fast Algorithm Based On The Submodular Property For Optimization Of Wind Turbine Positioning. Renewable Energy 36 (2011), Pages 2951-2958. 2011.
73. Jianwen Zhang, Changshui Zhang. Multitask Bregman clustering. Neurocomputing, Volume 74, Issue 10, Pages 1720-1734. May 2011.
74. Zhiyao Duan, Bryan Pardo, Changshui Zhang. Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation by Modeling Spectral Peaks and Non-Peak Regions. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Volume 18, Issue 8, Pages 2121-2154. November 2010.
75. Feiping Nie, Shiming Xiang, Yun Liu, Changshui Zhang. A general graph-based semi-supervised learning with novel class discovery. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 549-555. June 2010.
76. Fei Wang, Bin Zhao, Changshui Zhang. Linear Time Maximum Margin Clustering. IEEE Transations on Neural Networks, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 319-332. February 2010.
77. Feiping Nie, Dong Xu, Tsang Ivor Wai-Hung, Changshui Zhang. Flexible manifold embedding: a framework for semi-supervised and unsupervised dimension reduction.IEEE Transactions Image Process(ITIP), Volume 19, Issue 7, Pages 1921-1953. July 2010.
78. Chenping Hou, Changshui Zhang, Yi Wu, Feiping Nie. Multiple view semi-supervised dimensionality reduction.Pattern Recognition(PR), Volume 43, Issue 3, Pages 720-750. March 2010.
79. Changshui Zhang, Qutang Cai, Yangqiu Song. Boosting with pairwise constraints. NEUROCOMPUTING, Volume 73, Issue 4-6, Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI, Pages 908-919. January 2010.
80. Changshui Zhang, Fei Wang. A multilevel approach for learning from labeled and unlabeled data on graphs.Pattern Recognition(PR), Volume 43, Issue 6, Pages 2301-2315. June 2010.
81. Changshui Zhang, Feiping Nie, Shiming Xiang. A General Kernelization Framework for Learning Algorithms Based on Kernel PCA. NEUROCOMPUTING, Volume 73, Issue: 4-6, Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI, Pages 959-967, January 2010.
82. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie, and Changshui Zhang. Semi-Supervised Classification via Local Spline Regression.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Volume 32, Issue 11, Pages 2039-2053. November 2010.
83. Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan, Feiping Nie, Changshui Zhang. TurboPixel Segmentation Using Eigen-Images.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(ITIP), Volume 19, Issue 11, Pages 3024-3058. November 2010.
84. Shijun Wang, and Changshui Zhang. Collaborative Learning by Boosting in Distributed Environments.International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages 763-789, 2010.
85. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang, Tao Li. Clustering with Local and Global Regularization. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Volume: 21 Issue: 12 Pages: 1665-78.December 2009.
86. Fei Wang, Xin Wang, Daoqiang Zhang, Changshui Zhang, Tao Li. marginFace: a novel face recognition method by average neighborhood margin maximization. Pattern Recognition(PR), Volume 42, Issue 11, Pages 2863-75. November 2009.
87. Feiping Nie, Shiming Xiang, Yangqing Jia, Changshui Zhang. Semi-supervised orthogonal discriminant analysis via label propagation. Pattern Recognition(PR), Volume 42, Issue 11, Pages 2615-2627.November 2009.
88. Dan Zhang, Fei Wang, Zhenwei Shi, Changshui Zhang. Interactive Localized Content-Based Image Retrieval with Multiple Instance Active Learning. Pattern Recognition(PR), Volume 43, Issue 2,Pages 478-484. February 2010, .
89. Changshui Zhang, Feiping Nie, Shiming Xiang, Chenping Hou. Soft Constraint Harmonic Energy Minimization for Transductive Learning and Its Two Interpretations. Neural Processing Letters (NPL), Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 89-102. October, 2009.
90. Shiming Xiang,Feiping Nie,Yangqiu Song,Changshui Zhang,Chunxia Zhang. Embedding New Data Points for Manifold Learning via Coordinate Propagation. Knowledge and Information Systems(KAIS),Volume 19,Issue 2,Pages 159-184,2009.
91. Chenping Hou, Changshui Zhang, Yi Wu, Yuanyuan Jiao. Stable local dimensionality reduction approaches.Pattern Recognition(PR), Volume 42, Issue 9, Pages 2054-2120. September 2009.
92. Shiming Xiang,Feiping Nie,Changshui Zhang,Chunxia Zhang.Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction with Local Spline Embedding. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),Volume 21,Issue 9,Pages 1285-1298,September 2009.
93. Jingdong Wang, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang, Helen C. Shen, Long Quan. Linear Neighborhood Propagation and Its Applications. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume 31,Number 9,Page 1600-1615,September 2009.
94. Shiming Xiang,Feiping Nie,Chunxia Zhang,Changshui Zhang.Interactive Natural Image Segmentation via Spline Regression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(TIP), Volume 18,Issue 7,Page 1623-1632,July 2009.
95. Chenping Hou, Changshui Zhang, Yi Wu. Learning an orthogonal and smooth subspace for image classification.IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume 16, Issue 4, Pages 303-309. April 2009.
96. Bin Zhao,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang. Block Quantized Support Vector Ordinal Regression. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks(TNN), Volume 20, Issue 5,Page 882-890,May 2009.
97. Gang Chen, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Collaborative filtering using orthogonal nonnegative matrix tri-factorization. Information Processing and Management, Volume 45, Page 368-379.2009.
98. Feiping Nie,Shiming Xiang,Yangqiu Song,Changshui Zhang. Orthogonal locality minimizing globality maximizing projections for feature extraction. Optical Engineering, Volume 48,Number 1,January 2009.
99. Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang, Jianguo Lee, Fei Wang, Shiming Xiang, Dan Zhang. Semi-Supervised Discriminative Classification with Application to Tumorous Tissues Segmentation of MR Brain Images. Pattern Analysis and Applications (PAA),Volume 12,Page 99-115,2009.
100. Qutang Cai, Changshui Zhang, Chunyi Peng. Analysis of classification margin for classification accuracy with applications. Neurocomputing,Volume 72,Page 1960-1968, 2009.
101. Yangqing Jia,Feiping Nie,Changshui Zhang.Trace Ratio Problem Revisited. IEEE Transactions on Neural Network(NN),Volume 20,Number 4,Page 729-735,April 2009.
102. Zhenwei Shi,Changshui Zhang.Fast nonlinear autocorrelation algorithm for source separation.Pattern Recognition(PR),Volume 42,Number 9,Page 1732-1741,September 2009.
103. Feiping Nie,Shiming Xiang,Yangqiu Song,Changshui Zhang.Extracting the Optimal Dimensionality for Local Tensor Discriminant Analysis. Pattern Recognition(PR),Volume 42,Page 105-114,January 2009.
104. Yangqing Jia,Changshui Zhang. Front-view vehicle detection by Markov chain Monte Carlo method.Pattern Recognition(PR),Volume 42,Number 3,Page 313-321,March 2009.
105. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Semi-supervised Learning Based on Generalized Point Charge Models. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (TNN), Volume 19, Number 7, Pages 1307-1311, July 2008.
106. Yangqiu Song, Feiping Nie, Changshui Zhang, Shiming Xiang. A Unified Framework for Semi-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction. Pattern Recognition(PR), Volume 41, Number 9, Pages 2789-2799, September 2008.
107. Yangqiu Song, Feiping Nie, Changshui Zhang. Semi-supervised Sub-manifold Discriminant Analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 29, Number 13, Pages 1806-1813, October 2008.
108. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie, and Changshui Zhang. Learning a Mahalanobis distance metric for data clustering and classification. Pattern Recognition, Volume 41, Number 12, Pages 3600 - 3612, 2008.
109. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie, Yangqiu Song, and Changshui Zhang. Contour graph based human tracking and action sequence recognition. Pattern Recognition, Volume 41, Number 12, Pages 3653 - 3664, 2008.
110. Zhiyao Duan, Yungang Zhang, Changshui Zhang, and Zhenwei Shi. Unsupervised Single-Channel Music Source Separation by Average Harmonic Structure Modeling. IEEE Transaction on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 16, Number 4, Pages 766-778, May 2008.
111. Shijun Wang, Mate S. Szalay, Changshui Zhang, and Peter Csermely. Learning and Innovative Elements of Strategy Adoption Rules Expand Cooperative Network Topologies. PLoS ONE 3(4): e1917. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001917, 2008.
112. Yangqiu Song and Changshui Zhang. Content Based Information Fusion for Semi-Supervised Music Genre Classification. IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, Volume 10, Number 1, Pages145-152, January, 2008.
113. Zhenwei Shi, Dan Zhang, and Changshui Zhang. MACBSE: Extracting signals with linear autocorrelations.Neurocomputing, Volume 71, Number 4-6, Pages 1082-1091, January 2008.
114. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Label Propagation Through Linear Neighborhoods. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Volume 20, Number 1, Pages 55-67, January 2008.
115. Zhenwei Shi, Changshui Zhang. Nonlinear innovation to blind source separation. Neurocomputing, Volume 71, Number 1-3, Pages 406-410, December 2007.
116. Zhenwei Shi, Changshui Zhang. Blind Source Extraction Using Generalized Autocorrelations. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Volume 18, Number 5, Pages 1516-1524, September 2007.
117. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang. The Selective Random Subspace Predictor for Traffic Flow Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 8, Number 2, Pages 367-373, June 2007.
118. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Robust Self-Tuning Semi-Supervised Learning. Neurocomputing, Volume 70, Number 16-18, Pages 2931-2939, October 2007.
119. Fei Wang, Jingdong Wang, Changshui Zhang, James T. Kwok. Face Recognition Using Spectral Features. Pattern Recognition, Volume 40,Number 10, Pages 2786-2797, October 2007.
120. Fei Wu, Jingrui He , Changshui Zhang. An Evolutionary System for Near-Regular Texture Synthesis. Pattern Recognition, Volume 40,Number 8, Pages 2271-2282, August 2007.
121. Zhenwei Shi, Changshui Zhang. Semi-blind Source Extraction for Fetal Electrocardiogram Extraction by Combining Non-Gaussianity and Time-Correlation. Neurocomputing, Volume 70, Number 7-9, Pages 1574-1581, March 2007.
122. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang, Yue Lu. The Random Electrode Selection Ensemble for EEG Signal Classification. Pattern Recognition, Volume 41,Number 5, Pages 1663-1675, May 2008.
123. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang, Dan Zhang. An Experimental Evaluation of Ensemble Methods for EEG Signal Classification. Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 28,Number 15, Pages 2157-2163, November 2007.
124. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang. Subspace Ensembles for Classification. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 385,Number 1, Pages 199-207, November 2007.
125. Jianguo Lee and Changshui Zhang. Classification of Gene-Expression Data: The Manifold based Metric Learning Way. Pattern Recognition, Volume 39,Number 12, Pages 2450-2463, December 2006.
126. Zhonglin Lin, Changshui Zhang, Wei Wu and Xiaorong Gao. Frequency recognition based on canonical correlation analysis for SSVEP-based BCIs. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 53,Number 12, Pages 2610-2614, December, 2006.
127. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang. Adaptive feature extraction for EEG signal classification. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Volume 44,Number 10, Pages 931-935, October 2006.
128. Zhenwei Shi, Changshui Zhang. Energy Predictability to Blind Source Separation. Electronics Letters, Volume 42,Number 17, Pages 1006-1008, August 2006.
129. Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Hanghang Tong and Changshui zhang. Generalized Manifold-Ranking Based Image Retrieval. IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, Volume 15,Number 10, Pages 3170-3177, October 2006.
130. Shijun Wang, Zhongbao Kou and Changshui Zhang. Network Boosting on Different Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 366,Number 1, Pages 561-570, July 2006.
131. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang. An optimal kernel feature extractor and its application to EEG signal classification. Neurocomputing, Volume 69, Number 13-15, Pages 1743-1748, August 2006.
132. Zhenwei Shi and Changshui Zhang. Gaussian Moments for Noisy Complexity Pursuit. Neurocomputing, Volume 69, Number 7-9, Pages 917-921, March 2006.
133. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang and Guoqiang Yu. A Bayesian Network Approach to Traffic Flow Forecasting.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 7, Number 1, Pages 124 - 132, March 2006.
134. Shijun Wang and Changshui Zhang. Price Formation Based on Particle-Cluster Aggregation. International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC), Volume 16, Number 11, Pages 1811-1816, November 2005.
135. Shijun Wang and Changshui Zhang. Microscopic Model of Financial Markets Based on Belief Propagation.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 354, Pages 496-504, August 2005.
136. Xin Yao, Changshui Zhang, Jinwen Chen and Yanda Li. On the Formation of Degree and Cluster-Degree Correlations in Scale-Free Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 353, Pages 661-673, August 2005.
137. Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang and Zhonglin Lin. Exploring the Structure of Supervised Data by Discriminant Isometric Mapping. Pattern Recognition, Volume 38, Number 4, Pages 599-601, April 2005.
138. Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang, Zhonglin Lin and Xuegong Zhang. Mining the Structural Knowledge of High Dimensional Medical Data Using Isomap. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Volume 43, Number 3, Pages 410-412, June 2005.
139. Jianguo Lee, Jingdong Wang, Changshui Zhang and Zhaoqi Bian. Visual Object Recognition Using Probabilistic Kernel Subspace Similarity. Pattern Recognition, Volume 38, Number 7, Pages 997-1008, July 2005.
140. Baibo Zhang, Changshui Zhang and Xing Yi. Active Curve Axis Gaussian Mixture Models. Pattern Recognition, Volume 38, Number 12, Pages 2351-2362, December 2005.
141. Hanghang Tong, Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Wei-Ying Ma, Hong-Jiang Zhang and Changshui Zhang. Manifold-Ranking Based Keyword Propagation for Image Retrieval. Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Volume 2006, Pages 79412.1-79412.10, 2006.
142. Shijun Wang and Changshui Zhang. Weighted Competition Scale-Free Network. Physical Review E, Volume 70, Number 6, Pages 066127.1-066127.6, December 2004.
143. Yungang Zhang, Chang Shui Zhang and David Zhang. Distance Metric Learning by Knowledge Embedding.Pattern Recognition, Volume 37, Number 1, Pages 161-163, January 2004.
144. Changshui Zhang, Jun Wang, Nanyuan Zhao and David Zhang. Reconstruction and analysis of multi-pose face images based on nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Pattern Recognition, Volume 37, Number 2, Pages 325-336, February 2004.
145. Baibo Zhang, Changshui Zhang and Xing Yi. Competitive EM Algorithm for Finite Mixture Models. Pattern Recognition, Volume 37, Number 1, Pages 131-144, February 2004.
146. Zhongbao Kou and Changshui Zhang. Reply Networks on a Bulletin Board System. Physical Review E, Volume 67, Number 3, Pages 036117.1-036117.6, March 2003.
International Conference
147. Yiwen Sun, Kun Fu, Zheng Wang, Changshui Zhang, and Jieping Ye. Road Network Metric Learning for Estimated Time of Arrival. The 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Milan, Italy, 10-15 January, 2021.
148. Yiwen Sun, Yulu Wang, Kun Fu, Zheng Wang, Changshui Zhang, and Jieping Ye. Constructing Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph for Traffic Forecasting. The 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Milan, Italy, 10-15 January, 2021.
149. Nan Jiang, Sheng Jin, Zhiyao Duan, Changshui Zhang. When Counterpoint Meets Chinese Folk Melodies. The 34rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). December 6-12, 2020.
150. Shangchen Du, Shan You, Xioajie Li, Jianlong Wu, Fei Wang, Chen Qian, Changshui Zhang. Agree to Disagree: Adaptive Ensemble Knowledge Distillation in Gradient Space. The 34rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). December 6-12, 2020.
151. Yiwen Sun, Yulu Wang, Kun Fu, Zheng Wang, Changshui Zhang, Jieping Ye. Fusion Recurrent Neural Network. The 1st ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Data, Applications, and Systems in the 26th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD). San Diego, California USA, August 23-27, 2020. (Spotlight Presentation)
152. Wenzheng Hu, Mingyang Li, Changhe Yuan, Changshui Zhang and Jianqiang Wang. Diversity in Neural Architecture Search. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Glasgow, UK, 2020
153. Dejun Chu, Changshui Zhang, Shiliang Sun, and Qing Tao. Semismooth Newton algorithm for efficient projections onto $\ell_{1, \infty}$-norm ball. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020.
154. Jinlin Liu, Yuan Yao, Wendi Hou, Miaomiao Cui, Xuansong Xie, Changshui Zhang, Xian-Sheng Hua. Boosting Semantic Human Matting with Coarse Annotations. CVPR 2020. Seattle, USA, June, 16-18, 2020
155. Shan You, Tao Huang, Mingmin Yang, Fei Wang, Chen Qian, Changshui Zhang. GreedyNAS: Towards Fast One-Shot NAS with Greedy Supernet. CVPR 2020. Seattle, USA, June, 16-18, 2020
156. Tianhong Li, Jianguo Li, Zhuang Liu, Changshui Zhang. Few Sample Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Network Compression. CVPR 2020. Seattle, USA, June, 16-18, 2020
157. Kailun Wu*, Yiwen Guo*, Ziang Li, Changshui Zhang. Sparse Coding with Gated Learned ISTA. Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). April, 26-30, 2020. (Spotlight paper)
158. Nan Jiang, Sheng Jin, Zhiyao Duan, Changshui Zhang. RL-Duet: Online Music Accompaniment for Real-time Human-Machine Interactive Duet Improvisation. The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20). New York City, NY, USA, 2020.
159. Ziang Yan*, Yiwen Guo*, Changshui Zhang. Subspace Attack: Exploiting Promising Subspaces for Query-Efficient Black-box Attacks. The 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Vancouver, Canada, December 8-14, 2019.
160. Xintong Yu*, Hongming Zhang*, Yangqiu Song, Yan Song, and Changshui Zhang. What You See is What You Get: Visual Pronoun Coreference Resolution in Conversations. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Hong Kong, China, 2019.
161. Xintong Yu, Tszhang Guo, Kun Fu, Lei Li, Changshui Zhang and Jianwei Zhang. Image Captioning with Partially Rewarded Imitation Learning. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Budapest, Hungary, 2019.
162. Kailun Wu, Changshui Zhang. Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for the Sparse Signal Denoising 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR).IEEE, 2018: 1127-1132.
163. Lu, Rui, Zhiyao Duan, and Changshui Zhang. Multi-Scale Recurrent Neural Network for Sound Event Detection. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
164. Jiang Lu, Zhong Cao, Kailun Wu, Gang Zhang and Changshui Zhang. Boosting Few-shot Image Recognition via Domain Alignment Prototypical Networks. The 2018 IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2018)
165. Yiwen Guo*, Chao Zhang*, Changshui Zhang, Yurong Chen.Sparse DNNs with Improved Adversarial Robustness The 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Montreal, Canada, December 2-8, 2018.
166. Ziang Yan*, Yiwen Guo*, Changshui Zhang.Deep Defense: Training DNNs with Improved Adversarial Robustness The 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Montreal, Canada, December 2-8, 2018.
167. Hu Liu, Sheng Jin, Changshui Zhang.Connectionist Temporal Classification with Maximum Entropy Regularization The 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Montreal, Canada, December 2-8, 2018.
168. Jie Hu, Tszhang Guo, Ji Cao and Changshui Zhang. End-to-end Chinese Text Recognition. 2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) Montreal, QC, 2017, pp. 1407-1411.
169. Chengzhe Yan, Jie Hu, Runpeng Cui and Changshui Zhang. Robust Text Image Alignment with Template for Information Retrieval. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Banff, AB, 2017, pp. 1874-1879.
170. Ziang Yan, Chengzhe Yan and Changshui Zhang. Rare Chinese Character Recognition by Radical Extraction Network. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Banff, AB, 2017, pp. 924-929.
171. Rui Lu, Zhiyao Duan and Changshui Zhang. Metric learning based data augmentation for environmental sound classification 2017 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) New Paltz, NY, 2017, pp. 1-5.
172. Zhuang Liu, Jianguo Li, Zhiqiang Shen, Gao Huang, Shoumeng Yan, Changshui Zhang. Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks through Network Slimming International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV) 2017
173. Rui Lu, Kailun Wu, Zhiyao Duan, Changshui Zhang. Deep ranking: triplet matchnet for music metric learning Proceedings of the Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) New Orleans, America. March, 2017
174. Runpeng Cui, Hu Liu, Changshui Zhang. Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition by Staged Optimization IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR) Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. July, 2017
175. Zhigang Wang, Zengshun Zhao and Changshui Zhang. Learning with only multiple instance positive bags 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Vancouver, BC, 2016, pp. 334-341.
176. Jian Liang, Rui Lu, Changshui Zhang and Fei Wang Predicting Seizures from Electroencephalography Recordings: A Knowledge Transfer Strategy 2016 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) Chicago, IL, 2016, pp. 184-191.
177. Jian Liang, Rui Lu, Changshui Zhang, Fei Wang. Predicting Seizures from Electroencephalography Recordings: A Knowledge Transfer Strategy IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics Chicago, America. October, 2016
178. Yanglei Song, Yifei Yang, Weibei Dou, Changshui Zhang. Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning on Evolutionary Data International Conference on Intelligent Science and Big Data Engineering Springer, Cham, 2015, pp. 467-476.
179. Weishen Pan, Guangdong Hou, and Changshui Zhang. Automatic Methods for Screening and Assessing Scoliosis by 2-D Digital Images International Conference on Intelligent Science and Big Data Engineering Springer, Cham, 2015, pp. 392-400.
180. Cui, Runpeng, Guangdong Hou, and Changshui Zhang. Visual Tracking via Part-Based Model with Auxiliary Objects Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE Hong Kong, China. October, 2015
181. Hou, Guangdong, Runpeng Cui, and Changshui Zhang. A Real-Time Hand Pose Estimation System with Retrieval Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE Hong Kong, China. October, 2015
182. Lyndsey C. Pickup, Zheng Pan, Donglai Wei, YiChang Shih, Changshui Zhang, Andrew Zisserman, Bernhard Scholkopf, William T. Freeman. Seeing the arrow of time The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2014, pp. 2035-2042
183. Zhen Hu, Wenzheng Hu, and Changshui Zhang. Training Deep Belief Network with Sparse Hidden Units. Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 11-20.
184. Hou Guangdong, Chang Daqing, Zhang ChangshuiHAND SEGMENTATION WITH METRIC LEARNING SUPERPIXELS The 2nd IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information ProcessingXi'an, CHINA. July 9-13, 2014.
185. Ming Lin, Rong Jin, Changshui Zhang. Efficient Sparse Recovery via Adaptive Non-Convex Regularizers with Oracle Property. The 30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligenre (UAI) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. July 23-27, 2014
186. Shaofeng Hu, Jiangtao Ren, Changshui Zhang, Chaogui Zhang. Domain Transfer via Multiple Sources Regularization. The 18th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), Tainan, Taiwan, China. May. 2014
187. Peng He, Changshui Zhang. Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Relational Learning with One Network. The 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Reykjavik, Iceland, April 22-25, 2014
188. Peng He, Changshui Zhang. Exploiting the Limits of Structure Learning via Inherent Symmetry. The 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Reykjavik, Iceland, April 22-25, 2014
189. Daqing Chang, Changshui Zhang, and Shifeng Weng. Methods for Photomosaic Generation Based on Different Image Similarity and Division Strategies International Conference on Intelligent Science and Big Data Engineering. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013:682-690.
190. Chengru Song, Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang. Automatic Elements Extraction of Chinese News Using Prior Information of Content and Structure. The 2nd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), Okinawa, Japan. Nov. 2013
191. Shizhun Yang, Chenping Hou, Changshui Zhang, Yi Wu, Shifeng Weng . Robust Non-negative Matrix Factorization via Joint Sparse and Graph Regularization. The 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Dallas, America. Aug. 2013.
192. Zhigang Wang, Zengshun Zhao, Changshui Zhang SVM-SVDD: A New Method To Solve Data Description Problem with Negative Examples. The 10th International Symposium on Neural Networks(ISNN2013), Dalian, China, July 4-6, 2013.
193. Zhiqiang Zhang, Changshui Zhang, Shifeng Weng. Music Playlist Prediction via Detecting Song Moods. IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP). Beijing, China, 2013.
194. Pinghua Gong, Changshui Zhang, Zhaosong Lu, Jianhua Huang, Jieping Ye A General Iterative Shrinkage and Thresholding Algorithm for Non-convex Regularized Optimization Problems. The 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 16-21, 2013.
195. Han Li, Kun Gai, Pinghua Gong and Changshui Zhang. Efficient Blind Separation of Reflection Layers with Nonparametric Transformations. The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
196. Zheng Pan, Changshui Zhang. High-dimensional Inference via Lipschitz Sparsity-Yielding Regularizers.International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS). 2013.
197. Pinghua Gong, Jieping Ye, Changshui Zhang. Multi-Stage Multi-Task Feature Learning. The 26th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems(NIPS), Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, December 3-6, 2012. (Spotlight, 72/1467=4.9%)
198. Pinghua Gong, Jieping Ye, Changshui Zhang. Robust Multi-Task Feature Learning. The 18th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), Beijing, China, August 12-16, 2012.
199. Pinghua Gong, Changshui Zhang. Efficient Multi-Stage Conjugate Gradient for Trust Region Step. The 26th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Toronto, Canada, July 22-26, 2012.
200. Xiaoqiang Zhu, Pinghua Gong, Zengshun Zhao and Changshui Zhang. Learning Similarity Metric with SVM. The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Brisbane, Australia. June 2012.
201. Jian Cheng, Changshui Zhang and Yi-nan Guo. Patterns classification of nonlinear multi-dimensional time series based on manifold learning 2011 Seventh International Conference on Natural Computation Shanghai, 2011, pp. 373-377.
202. Shaoze Lei, JianWen Zhang, Shifeng Weng and Changshui Zhang Topic model with constrainted word burstiness intensities The 2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks San Jose, CA, 2011, pp. 68-74.
203. Shaoze Lei, Changshui Zhang. Solve JIGSAW puzzle problems with Co-Normalization. The 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Greece. July 2011.
204. Pinghua Gong and Changshui Zhang. A Fast Dual Projected Newton Method for L1-Regularized Least Squares.The 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Barcelona, Spain. July 2011.
205. Jiawei Lv, Jianwen Zhang, Fei Wang, Zheng Wang, Changshui Zhang. Compressed Learning with Regular Concepts. The 21st International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), October 6-8, 2010. Canberra, Australia.
206. Zheng Wang, Jiashi Feng, Changshui Zhang, Shuicheng Yan. Learning to Rank Tags. ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), Page 42-49. July 5-7, 2010. Xi’an, China. (Oral)
207. Zheng Wang, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang. Homotopy Regularization for Boosting. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), December 14-17, 2010. Sydney, Australia.
208. Jianwen Zhang, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang, Shixia Liu. Evolutionary Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes for Multiple Correlated Time-varying Corpora. The 16th ACM SIGKDD conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Page 1079-1088. July 2010. Washington, DC., USA.
209. Kun Gai, Guangyun Chen, Changshui Zhang. Learning Kernels with Radiuses of Minimum Enclosing Balls. The 24th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), December 2010. Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
210. Kun Gai, Changshui Zhang. Learning Discriminative Piecewise Linear Models With Boundary Points. The 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). July 2010. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
211. Shuo Chen, Jianwen Zhang, Guangyun Chen, Changshui Zhang. What if the Irresponsible Teachers Are Dominating? The 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). July 2010. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
212. Jianwen Zhang, Changshui Zhang. Multitask Bregman Clustering. The 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Page 655-660. July 2010. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
213. Bin Liu,Shuo Chen, Mingjie Qian, Changshui Zhang. Sparse Norm-Regularized Reconstructive Coefficients Learning. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 09).December 6,2009.Maimi, Florida, USA.
214. Guangyun Chen, Gang Chen, Jianwen Zhang, Shuo Chen, Changshui Zhang. Beyond Banditron: A Conservative and Efficient Reduction for Online Multiclass Prediction with Bandit Setting Model. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 09).December 6,2009.Maimi, Florida, USA.
215. Mingjie Qian,Feiping Nie,Changshui Zhang. Probabilistic labeled semi-supervised svm. Workshop on Optimization Based Methods for Emerging Data Mining Problems in the 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). December 6,2009.Maimi, Florida, USA.
216. Shuo Chen, Bin Liu, Mingjie Qian, Changshui Zhang. Kernel K-means Based Framework for Aggregate Outputs Classication. Workshop on Optimization Based Methods for Emerging Data Mining Problems in the 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). December 6,2009.Maimi, Florida, USA.
217. Shuo Chen, Bin Liu, Mingjie Qian, Changshui Zhang. Instance- and Bag-Level Manifold Regularization for Aggregate Outputs Classification. The 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM),Page 1593-1596.November 2,2009.Hongkong, China. (Poster)
218. Bin Zhao, James Kwok, Changshui Zhang. Maximum Margin Clustering with Multivariate Loss Function. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 09).December 6,2009.Maimi, Florida, USA.
219. Mingjie Qian,Feiping Nie,Changshui Zhang. Efficient Multi-class Unlabeled Constrained Semi-supervised SVM.The 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(CIKM), Page 1665-1668.November 2-6,2009.Hong Kong, China.
220. Zheng Wang,Yangqiu Song,Changshui Zhang.Efficient Active Learning with Boosting. SIAM Data Mining Conference(SDM).Page 1230-1241,April 30,2009.Sparks, Nevada, USA.
221. Feiping Nie,Dong Xu,Ivor W. Tsang,Changshui Zhang.Spectral Embedded Clustering. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI), Page 1181-1186. July 11-17,2009.Pasadena, California, USA.
222. Shuo Chen,Changshui Zhang.Selecting Informative Universum Sample for Semi-Supervised Learning.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).Page 1016-1021. July 11-17,2009.Pasadena, California, USA.
223. Yangqing Jia,Shuicheng Yan,Changshui Zhang.Semi-supervised Classification on Evolutionary Data. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Page 1038-1088. July 11-17,2009.Pasadena, California, USA.
224. Zheng Wang,Yangqiu Song,Changshui Zhang. Knowledge Transfer on Hybrid Graph. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI). Page 1291-1296. July 11-17,2009.Pasadena, California, USA.
225. Jianwen Zhang,Yangqiu Song,Gang Chen,Changshui Zhang. On-line Evolutionary Exponential Family Mixture.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI).Page 1610-1615. July 11-17,2009.Pasadena, California, USA.
226. Shijun Wang,Ronald M. Summers,Changshui Zhang. A Fast Mean-field Method for Large-scale High-dimensional data and its Application in Colonic Polyp Detection at CT Colonography. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Page 3251-8. June 14-19,2009.Atlanta,Georgia.
227. Kun Gai,Zhenwei Shi,Changshui Zhang. Blind Separation of Superimposed Images with Unknown Motions. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR).Page 1881-1888. June 2009.Miami Beach,Florida,USA.
228. Bin Zhao,James Kwok,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang. Unsupervised maximum margin feature selection with manifold regularization. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR). Page 888-895. June 2009.Miami Beach,Florida,USA.
229. Gang Chen,Jianwen Zhang,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang,Yuli Gao. Efficient Multi-label Classification with Hypergraph Regularization. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR). Page 1658-1665. June 2009.Miami Beach,Florida,USA.
230. Bin Zhao, James Kwok, Changshui Zhang. Multiple Kernel Clustering. The 9th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 09).Page 638-649.April 30-May2,2009. Sparks, Nevada.
231. Shouchun Chen,Fei Wang,Yangqiu Song,Changshui Zhang. Semi-supervised ranking aggregation. ACM 17th Conference on Information & Knowledge Management(CIKM2008).Number 544,Page 1427-1428,October 26-30,2008.California, USA.
232. Bin Zhao,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang. Maximum Margin Embedding. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining(ICDM).December 15,2008.Pisa, Italy.
233. Zhiyao Duan, Lie Lu, and Changshui Zhang. Collective Annotation of Music From Multiple Semantic Categories.International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR),Page 237-242.September 14-18,2008,Philadelphia, USA.
234. Shijun Wang, Changshui Zhang. Collaborative Learning by Boosting in Distributed Environments. The 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), December 8-11,2008,Tampa, Florida, USA.
235. Yangqing Jia,Changshui Zhang. Local Regularized Least-Square Dimensionality Reduction. IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR).December 8-11,2008,Tampa, Florida, USA.
236. Yangqing Jia,Jingdong Wang,Changshui Zhang,Xian-Sheng Hua. Finding Image Exemplars Using Fast Sparse Affinity Propagation. Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia(ACM Multimedia).Page 639-642,October 27-31,2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
237. Zheng Wang, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang. Transferred Dimensionality Reduction. The European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML).Page 550-565,September 2008,Antwerp, Belgium.
238. Yangqing Jia,Zheng Wang,Changshui Zhang. Distortion-Free Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. European Conference on Machine Learning(ECML).Page 564-579.September 2008, Antwerp, Belgium.
239. Bin Zhao,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang. CutS3VM: A Fast Semi-Supervised SVM Algorithm. The 14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(KDD).Page 830-838,August 24-27,2008.Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
240. Dan Zhang, Fei Wang, Zhenwei Shi, Changshui Zhang. Localized Content Based Image Retrieval Using Multiple Instance Active Learning. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 08),October 2008.San Diego, California, USA.
241. Yangqing Jia,Changshui Zhang. Learning distance metric for semi-supervised image segmentation. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP 2008).Page 3204-3207,October 2008.San Diego, California, USA.
242. Yangqing Jia,Jingdong Wang,Changshui Zhang,Xian-Sheng Hua. Augmented Tree Partitioning for Interactive Image Segmentation. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP 2008).Page 2292-2295,October 2008.San Diego, California, USA.
243. Bin Zhao,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang. Efficient Multiclass Maximum Margin Clustering. The 25th International Conference on Machine Learning(ICML).Page 1248-1255.July 5-9,2008,Helsinki, Finland.
244. Jingyu Cui, Qiong Yang, Fang Wen, Qiying Wu, Changshui Zhang, Luc Van Gool, Xiaoou Tang. Transductive Object Cutout. Accepted as oral paper by IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),June 2008,Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
245. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. On Discriminative Semi-supervised Classification. The 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI08),Page 720-725. July 13-17,2008.Chicago, Illinois, USA.
246. Fei Wang, Tao Li, Gang Wang, Changshui Zhang. Semi-supervised Classification Using Local and Global Regularization. The 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI08).Page 726-732.July 13-17,2008. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
247. Feiping Nie, Shiming Xiang, Yangqing Jia, Changshui Zhang, Shuicheng Yan. Trace Ratio Criterion for Feature Selection. The 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI08),Page 671-676.July 13-17,2008. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
248. Dan Zhang, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang, Tao Li. Multi-View Local Learning. The 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI08),Page 752-757. July 13-17,2008. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
249. Yangqing Jia,Changshui Zhang. Instance-level Semisupervised Multiple Instance Learning. The 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI).Page 640-645.July 13-17,2008. Chicago, Illinois, USA.
250. Zhiyao Duan, Lie Lu, Changshui Zhang. Audio Tonality Mode Classification Without Tonic Annotations.International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME),Page 1361-1364. June 23-26,2008. Hannover, Germany.
251. Jingdong Wang,Yangqing Jia,Xian-Sheng Hua,Changshui Zhang,Long Quan. Normalized Tree Partitioning for Image Segmentation.IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008(CVPR 2008).June 2008,Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
252. Kun Gai,Zhenwei Shi,Changshui Zhang. Blindly Separating Mixtures of Multiple Layers with Spatial Shifts. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR).Page 1-8,June 2008,Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
253. Qutang Cai, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang. Cost-Sensitive Boosting Algorithms As Gradient Descent. The 33rd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),Page 2009-2012.March 30 - April 4,2008.Las Vegas, Nevada,USA.
254. Qutang Cai , Chunyi Peng , Changshui Zhang. A Weighted Subspace Approach For Improving Bagging Performance. The 33rd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),Page 3341-3344.March 30 - April 4,2008.Las Vegas, Nevada,USA.
255. Jingyu Cui, Changshui Zhang. Towards Optimal Query Design for Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval. The 33rd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),Page 1225-1228.March 30 - April 4,2008.Las Vegas, Nevada,USA.
256. Bin Zhao,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang,Yangqiu Song. ACTIVE MODEL SELECTION FOR GRAPH-BASED SEMI-SUPERVISED LEARNING. The 33rd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(ICASSP).Page 1881-1884,March 30 - April 4,2008.Las Vegas, Nevada,USA.
257. Dan Zhang, Jingdong Wang, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Semi-Supervised Classification with Universum. The 8th SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM).Page 323-333. April 24-26,2008.Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia,USA
258. Fei Wang, Tao Li, Changshui Zhang. Semi-Supervised Clustering via Matrix Factorization. The 8th SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM).Page 1-12. April 24-26,2008.Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia,USA.
259. Bin Zhao,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang. Efficient Maximum Margin Clustering Via Cutting Plane Algorithm. The 8th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM).Page 751-762,April 24-26,2008.Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia,USA.
260. Gang Chen,Yangqiu Song,Fei Wang,Changshui Zhang. Semi-supervised Multi-label Learning by Solving a Sylvester Equation. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM).Page 410-419,April 24-26,2008.Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia,USA.
261. Zhiyao Duan and Changshui Zhang. A maximum likelihood approach to multiple fundamental frequency estimation from the amplitude spectrum peaks. Music, Brain and Cognition workshop in the Twenty-first Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS07), December 7-8, 2007 Whistler, Canada.
262. Liang Xiong, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Semi-definite Manifold Alignment. The 18th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML07), September 17-21, 2007, Warsaw, Poland.
263. Liang Xiong, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Multilevel Belief Propagation for Fast Inference on Markov Random Fields. The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining 2007 (ICDM2007), October 28-31,2007, Omaha NE, USA.
264. Yangqiu Song, Bin Zhang, Wenjun Yin, Changshui Zhang and Jin Dong. Ranking with Semi-Supervised Distance Metric Learning and Its Application to Housing Potential Estimation. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2007), November 6-9, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
265. Jingyu Cui, Changshui Zhang. Combining Stroke-based and Selection-based Relevance Feedback for Content-based Image Retrieval. ACM Multimedia (MM2007), September 24-29, 2007, Augsburg, Germany.
266. Dan Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang. Localized Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Semi-Supervised Multiple Instance Learning. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2007), November 18-22, 2007, Tokyo, Japan.
267. Gang Chen, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Collaborative Filtering Using Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Tri-factorization. Workshop on High Performance Data Mining, in conjuction with the 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM2007), October 28-31,2007, Omaha NE, USA.
268. Shouchun Chen, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Simultaneous Heterogeneous Data Clustering Based on Higher Order Relationships. Workshop on Mining Graphs and Complex Structures (MGCS07), in conjuction with the 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM2007), October 28-31,2007, Omaha NE, USA.
269. Feiping Nie, Shiming Xiang, Changshui Zhang. Neighborhood MinMax Projections. The Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI2007), January 6-12, 2007, Hyderabad, India. (Oral paper)
270. Jianguo Li, Changshui Zhang, Tao Wang, Yimin Zhang. Generalized Additive Bayesian Network Classifiers. The Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI2007), January 6-12, 2007, Hyderabad, India.
271. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie, Changshui Zhang, Chunxia Zhang. Interactive Visual Object Extraction Based on Belief Propagation. The 13th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2007), January 9-12, 2007, Singapore. (Oral paper)
272. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Fast Multilevel Transduction on Graphs. The 7th SIAM Conference on Data Mining(SDM2007), April, 26-28, 2007, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
273. Fei Wang, Shijun Wang, Changshui Zhang, Ole Winther. Semi-Supervised Mean Fields. The 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS2007), March 21-24, 2007, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
274. Bin Zhao, Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Smoothness Maximization via Gradient Descents. The 32nd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2007), April 15-20, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
275. Feiping Nie, Shiming Xiang, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang. Extracting the Optimal Dimensionality for Discriminant Analysis. The 32nd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2007), April 15-20, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
276. QuTang Cai, ChunYi Peng, ChangShui Zhang. Analysis Of Max-Min Eigenvalue Of Constrained Linear Combinations Of Symmetric Matrices, Extracting the Optimal Dimensionality for Discriminant Analysis. The 32nd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2007), April 15-20, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
277. Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang and Shiming Xiang. Semi-Supervised Music Genre Classification. The 32nd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2007), April 15-20, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
278. Liang Xiong, Nanyuan Zhao and Changshui Zhang. Soft-Hard Memory for Cognitive Systems. International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2007 (AROB2007), January 25-27, 2007 Beppu, Japan.
279. Liang Xiong, Jianguo Lee and Changshui Zhang. Discriminant Additive Tangent Space for Object Recognition.IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2007 (CVPR2007), June 18-23, 2007, Hyatt, Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
280. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Feature Extraction by Maximizing the Average Neighborhood Margin. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2007 (CVPR2007), June 18-23, 2007, Hyatt, Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
281. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang, Tao Li. Regularized Clustering for Documents. The 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR2007), July 23-27, 2007, Amsterdam.
282. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang, Tao Li. Clustering with Local and Global Regularization. the Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), July 22-26,2007, Hyatt Regency Vancouver.
283. Zhiyao Duan, Dan Zhang, Changshui Zhang, Zhenwei Shi. Multi-Pitch Estimation Based On Partial Event and Support Transfer. 2007 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo(ICME2007),July 2-5, 2007, Beijing, China.
284. Zhenwei Shi, Dan Zhang, Changshui Zhang. A Fixed-Point Algorithm For Blind Separation of Temporally Correlated Sources. 2007 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo(ICME2007),July 2-5, 2007, Beijing, China.
285. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie, Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang, Chunxia Zhang. Embedding new data points for manifold learning via Coordinate Propagation. The 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2007), May 22-25, 2007, Nanjing, China.
286. Dan Zhang, Yangqiu Song, Qifeng Qiao, Zhenwei Shi and Changshui Zhang. A Supervised Method to Chart Multiple Manifolds. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV07) Workshop on Subspace, November 18-22, 2007, Tokyo, Japan.
287. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie and Changshui Zhang. Contour Matching Based on Belief Propagation. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2006), January 13-16, 2006, Hyderabad, India.
288. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie and Changshui Zhang. Exemplar-Based Human Contour Tracking. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2006), January 13-16, 2006, Hyderabad, India.
289. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie and Changshui Zhang. Texture Image Segmentation: An Interactive Framework Based on Adaptive Features and Transductive Learning. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2006), January 13-16, 2006, Hyderabad, India.
290. Yunpeng Xu, Xing Yi and Changshui Zhang. A Random Walks Method for Text Classification. SIAM Conference on Data Mining 2006(SDM2006), April 20-22, 2006, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
291. Fei Wang, Jingdong Wang, Changshui Zhang and Helen C. Shen. Semi-Supervised Classification Using Linear Neighborhood Propagation. 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2006), June 17-22, 2006, New York University, New York, New York, USA.
292. Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang, Jianguo Lee, Fei Wang. A Discriminative Method For Semi-Automated Tumorous Tissues Segmentation of MR Brain Images. CVPR Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA 2006), June 17-18, 2006, New York City, NY, USA.
293. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang. Label Propagation Through Linear Neighborhoods. The 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2006), June 25-29, 2006, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
294. Yangqiu Song, Changshui Zhang, and Jianguo Lee. Graph Based Multi-Class Semi-Supervised Learning Using Gaussian Process. Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR) and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR), July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
295. Zhonglin Lin, Changshui Zhang, and Xiaorong Gao. Machine Learning Way for Boosting Accuracy in Canonical Correlation Analysis based Frequency Recognition. 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN2006), July 16-21, 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
296. Shiming Xiang, Feiping Nie, Changshui Zhang and Chunxia Zhang. Spline Embedding for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML2006), Semptember 18th-22nd, 2006, Berlin, Germany.
297. Hanghang Tong, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Changshui Zhang, Jingrui He and Wei-Ying Ma. Learning No-Reference Quality Metric by Examples. 11th International Conference on Multi Media Modeling (MMM 2005), January 12-14, 2005, Melbourne, Australia.
298. Hanghang Tong, Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang and Changshui Zhang. A Unified Optimization Based Learning Method for Image Retrieval. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2005(CVPR2005), June 20-25, 2005, San Diego, CA, USA.
299. Shijun Wang and Changshui Zhang. A Fast Algorithm in Finding Communities of Book Network. The 10th Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB05), February 4-6, 2005, Oita, Japan.
300. Zhonglin Lin and Changshui Zhang. Enhancing Classification by Perceptual Characteristic for the P300 Speller Paradigm. The 2nd International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Neural Engineering, March 16-19, 2005, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
301. Jingrui He, Changshui Zhang, Nanyuan Zhao and Hanghang Tong. Boosting Web Image Search by Co-Ranking.2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2005), March 18-23, 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
302. Shiliang Sun and Changshui Zhang. Assessing Features for Electroencephalographic Signal Categorization. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2005), March 18-23, 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
303. Xin Yao, Changshui Zhang, Jinwen Chen and Yanda Li. On the Scale-Free Intersection Graphs. International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2005), May 9-12, 2005, , Singapore.
304. Fei Wang, Changshui Zhang and Naijiang Lu. Boosting Gmm and Its Two Applications. Sixth International Workshop Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS 2005), June 13-15, 2005, Seaside, California, USA.
305. Rongbin Liu, Changshui Zhang and Yinglong Xia. Importance Feature Sampling in Random Subspace. The 2005 International Conference on Computer Vision in The 2005 World Congress in Applied Computing, June 20-23, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
306. Yinglong Xia,Changshui Zhang, Shifeng Weng and Rongbin Liu. Fault-Tolerant Em Algorithm for Gmm in Sensor Networks. The 2005 International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN05) of the 2005 World Congress in Applied Computing (WCAC05), June 20-23, 2005, Las Vegas, USA.
307. Yungang Zhang and Changshui Zhang. Separation of Voice and Music by Harmonic Structure Stability Analysis.IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME05), July 5-8, 2005, Amsterdam.
308. Yinglong Xia, Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang and Shao Li. Mixture Random Effect Model Based Meta-Analysis for Medical Data Mining. The 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM 2005), July 9-11, 2005, Leipzig, Germany.
309. Shiming Xiang, Changshui Zhang, Xiaoping Chen and Naijiang Lu. A New Approach to Human Motion Sequence Recognition with Application to Diving Actions. The 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM 2005), July 9-11, 2005, Leipzig, Germany.
310. Baibo Zhang and Changshui Zhang. Finite Mixture Models with Negative Components. The 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM 2005), July 9-11, 2005, Leipzig, Germany.
311. Yalin Zheng, Changshui Zhang and Yinglong Xia. Intimate Degree Algorithm of Fuzzy Reasoning and Harmoniousness Constraint. The 11th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA 2005), July 28-31, 2005, Beijing, China.
312. Yalin Zheng,Changshui Zhang and Yinglong Xia. Pointwise Logic on Completely Distributive Lattice. The 11th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA 2005), July 28-31, 2005, Beijing, China.
313. Qutang Cai and Changshui Zhang. Learning Probability Density Functions from Marginal Distributions with Applications to Gaussian Mixtures. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2005), July 31-August 4, 2005, Montreal, Canada.
314. Yangqiu Song and Changshui Zhang. New Boosting Methods of Gaussian Processes for Regression. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2005), July 31-August 4, 2005, , Montreal, Canada.
315. Fei Wang, Jingdong Wang and Changshui Zhang. Spectral Feature Analysis. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2005), July 31-August 4, 2005, Montreal, Canada.
316. Fei Wang and Changshui Zhang. Spectral Clustering for Time Series. Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Data Mining (ICAPR 2005), August 22-25, 2005, Bath, UK.
317. Yunpeng Xu, Changshui Zhang and Naijing Lu. A Bayesian Method for High-Frequency Restoration of Low Sample-Rate Speech. Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Data Mining (ICAPR 2005), August 22-25, 2005, , Bath, UK.
318. Xing Yi, Yunpeng Xu and Changshui Zhang. Multi-View Em Algorithm for Finite Mixture Models. Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Data Mining (ICAPR 2005), August 22-25, 2005, , Bath, UK.
319. Shiliang Sun and Changshui Zhang. Using a Random Subspace Predictor to Integrate Spatial and Temporal Information for Traffic Flow Forecasting. First International Conference on Advances in Natural Computation (ICNC 2005), August 27-29, 2005, Changsha, China.
320. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang and Naijiang Lu. On the on-Line Learning Algorithms for Eeg Signal Classification in Brain Computer Interfaces. The 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2005), August 27-29, 2005,, Changsha, China.
321. Yalin Zheng, Changshui Zhang and Yinglong Xia. Type-II Topological Logic and Approximate Reasoning. The 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2005), August 27-29, 2005,, Changsha, China.
322. Yalin Zheng, Changshui Zhang and Xin Yao. Type-I Topological Logic and Approximate Reasoning. The 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2005), August 27-29, 2005,, Changsha, China.
323. Yunpeng Xu and Changshui Zhang. Semi-Supervised Classification of Musical Genres with Multi-View Features.International Computer Music Conference 2005(ICMC2005), September 5-9, 2005Barcelona, Spain.
324. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang and Yi Zhang. Traffic Flow Forecasting Using a Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Network Predictor. The 15th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations (ICANN 2005), September 11-15, 2005, Warsaw, Poland.
325. Shijun Wang and Changshui Zhang. Network Game and Boosting. The 16th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML 2005), October 3-7, 2005, Porto, Portugal.
326. Shiliang Sun and Changshui Zhang. Learning on-Line Classification Via Decorrelated Lms Algorithm: Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces. The 8th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2005), October 8-11, 2005, Singapore.
327. Shijun Wang, Zhonglin Lin and Changshui Zhang. Network Boosting for BCI Applications. The 8th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2005), October 8-11, 2005, Singapore.
328. Yungang Zhang, Changshui Zhang. Separation of Music Signals by Harmonic Structure Modeling. Nineteenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems(NIPS2005), December 5-8, 2005, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
329. Xing Yi, Changshui Zhang, Jingdong Wang. Multi-View EM Algorithm and Its Application to Color Image Segmentation. The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME' 2004), Taipei, Taiwan, June 27th-30th, 2004.
330. Xing Yi, Zhongbao Kou, Changshui Zhang. Classifier Combination based on Active Learning. Proceedings of The 17th International conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 23-26, August, 2004. Volume I, Page 184.
331. Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Changshui Zhang. W-Boost and Its Application to Web Image Classification. The 17th International conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 23-26, August, 2004.
332. Fei Wu, Yonglei Zhou, Changshui Zhang. Relevant Linear Feature Extraction Using Side-Information and Unlabeled Data. The 17th International conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 23-26, August 2004.
333. Fei Wu, Yonglei Zhou, Changshui Zhang. Self-enhanced Relevant Component Analysis With Side-information And Unlabeled Data. 2004 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, July 25-29, 2004, Budapest, Hungary.
334. Xun Xu, Changshui Zhang, and Thomas S. Huang. Active Morphable Model: An Efficient Method for Face Analysis. The 6th International conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, May 17-29, 2004, Seoul. Korea. Proceeding. pp. 837-842.
335. Yalin Zheng, Changshui Zhang and Xing Yi. Mamdanian Logic. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2004), Budapest, Hungary, 26-29 July 2004. Proceedings, 2004,1-3:629-634.
336. Hanghang Tong, Mingjing Li, Hongjiang Zhang, Changshui Zhang. Blur Detection for Digital Images Using Wavelet Transform. The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME' 2004), Taipei, Taiwan, June 27th-30th, 2004.
337. Shiliang Sun, Guoqiang Yu, Changshui Zhang. Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Sampling Markov Chain Method with Incomplete Data. Proceeding of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2004, June 14-17, 2004, Parma, Italy.
338. Fei Wu, Changshui Zhang. Active Texture Synthesis Based On Multi-Agent. In Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2004. Jeju Island, Korea, January 27~30, 2004.
339. Hanghang Tong, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Changshui Zhang. No Reference Quality Assessment For JPEG2000 Compressed Images. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2004), Singapore, 2004.
340. Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Changshui Zhang. Symmetry Feature In Content-Based Image Retrieval. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2004), Singapore, 2004. /p>
341. Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Hanghang Tong, Changshui Zhang. Manifold-Ranking Based Image Retrieval. Proceedings of 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, October 10-16, New York, NY USA, 2004.
342. Changshui Zhang, Shiliang Sun, Guoqiang Yu. Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Expanded Bayesian Network for Incomplete Data. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3174 / 2004, Title: Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2004:International Symposium on Neural Networks, Dalian, China, Proceedings, August 19-21, 2004, Part II, pp. 950-955.
343. Zhonglin Lin, Shifeng Weng, Changshui Zhang, Naijiang Lu, and Zhimin Xia. Learning the Supervised NLDR Mapping for Classification. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3174 / 2004, Title: Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2004:International Symposium on Neural Networks, Dalian, China, Proceedings, August 19-21, 2004, Part I, pp. 900 - 905.
344. Shifeng Weng, Fai Wong, and Changshui Zhang. A New Adaptive Self-Organizing Map. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3174 / 2004, Title: Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2004:International Symposium on Neural Networks, Dalian, China, Proceedings, August 19-21, 2004, , Part I, pp. 205 - 210.
345. Hanghang Tong, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Jingrui He, and Changshui Zhang. Classification of Digital Photos Taken by Photographers or Home Users. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3331/2004, Title: Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2004: 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, Proceedings, November 30 - December 3, 2004. Part I.
346. Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Hanghang Tong, and Changshui Zhang. Mean Version Space: a New Active Learning Method for Content-Based Image Retrieval. Proceeding of the 6th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, in conjunction with the 2004 ACM Multimedia (ACM MM'04), 2004.
347. Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Zhiwei Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Hanghang Tong and Changshui Zhang. Pseudo Relevance Feedback Based on Iterative Probabilistic One-Class SVMs in Web Image Retrieval. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3332/2004, Title: Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2004: 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, Proceedings, November 30 - December 3, 2004. Part II.
348. Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, Hong-Jiang Zhang, Hanghang Tong, and Changshui Zhang. Automatic Peak Number Detection in Image Symmetry Analysis. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3333/2004, Title: Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2004: 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, Proceedings, November 30 - December 3, 2004. Part III.
349. Yonglei Zhou, Changshui Zhang, Jingchun Wang. Tunable Nearest Neighbor Classifier. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3175 / 2004, Title: Pattern Recognition: 26th DAGM Symposium, Tübingen, Germany, Proceedings, August 30 - September 1, 2004. pp. 204 - 211.
350. Yonglei Zhou, Changshui Zhang, Jingchun Wang. Extended Nearest Feature Line Classifier. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3157 / 2004, Title: PRICAI 2004: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Auckland, New Zealand, Proceedings, August 9-13, 2004, pp. 183 - 190.
351. Guoqiang Yu, Changshui Zhang. Switching ARIMA Model based Forecasting for Traffic Flow. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 17-21, 2004, Canada.
352. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang, Guoqiang Yu, Naijiang Lu and Fei Xiao. Bayesian Network Methods for Traffic Flow Forecasting with Incomplete Data. Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Sub series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3201/2004, Title: Machine Learning: ECML 2004. 15th European Conference on Machine Learning, Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 2004, Proceedings. IDS Number:BAX02
353. Changshui Zhang, Shiliang Sun, Guoqiang Yu. A Bayesian Network Approach to Time Series Forecasting of Short-Term Traffic Flows. Proceedings, pp.216-221, the 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2004), October 3-6,2004, Washington, D.C.
354. Shiliang Sun, Changshui Zhang, Naijiang Lu and Fei Xiao. A Semi-supervisedClassification Method Based on Transduction of Labeled Data. Proceedings, 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS‿4), December 1 to 3, 2004, Traders Hotel, Singapore.
355. Jianguo Lee, Jingdong Wang, Changshui Zhang, Zhaoqi Bian. Probabilistic Tangent Subspace: A Unified View. In: Proc. 21st Intl. Confs. on Machine Learing (ICML 2004), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2004.
356. Jianguo Lee, Changshui Zhang and Zhaoqi Bian. Learning Probabilistic Kernel Feature Subspace with Side-information for Classification. In Proceeding of IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2004). Budapest, Hungary, July, 2004.
357. Kou Zhongbao, Ban Tao, and Zhang Changshui. Discovery of Relationships between Interests from Bulletin Board System by Dissimilarity Reconstruction. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2843/2003, Title: The 6th International Conference on Discovery Science, Sapporo, Japan, 10 17-19, 2003, pp. 328-335.
358. Jianguo Lee, Jingdong Wang, Changshui Zhang. Color Image Segmentation: Kernel Do the Feature Space. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2837/2003, Title: The 14th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML -2003), Cavtat, Croatia, Sept., 2003, Proceedings, pp. 253 - 264.
359. Jingdong Wang, Jianguo Lee, Changshui Zhang. Kernel Trick Embedded Gaussian Mixture Models. In: Lecture Notes in Artificiall Intelligence, Volume 2842/2003, Title: The 14th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory(ALT2003), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2003, 159-174.
360. Jingdong Wang, Jianguo Lee, Changshui Zhang. Kernel GMM and Its Application to Image Binarization.Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'03), Maryland, US, July, 2003, Volume: 1, I - 533-6.
361. Shifeng Weng, Fai Wong, Changshui Zhang. Evolutionary Mechanisms In Self-Organizing Map. International Conference On Machine Learning And Cybernetics (2003), November 2-5, 2003, Xi-an, China. pp. 2020- 2024, Vol.4
362. Xing Yi, Changshui Zhang, Baibo Zhang. Combination of Competitive EM Algorithm and Support Vector Machine for Active Learning. International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies: CCCT '03 and The 9th. International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS '03, July 31, August 1-2, 2003 - Orlando, Florida, USA. VOL 1, PROCEEDINGS-COMPUTING/INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 448-453, 2003
363. Guoqiang Yu, Jianming Hu, Changshui Zhang, Like Zhuang, Jingyan Song. Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Markov Chain Model. Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2003, Proceedings. IEEE , June 9-11, 2003, pp.208-212
364. Yungang Zhang, Changshui Zhang, Shijun Wang. Clustering in Knowledge Embedded Space. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2837 / 2003, Title: The 14th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML -2003), Cavtat, Croatia, Sept., 2003, Proceedings, pp. 480-491.
365. Yungang Zhang, Changshui Zhang. A New Character Segmentation Algorithm for License Plate. The 2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV2003), Columbus, OH, USA, June 9-11, 2003, Proceedings. pp.106 - 109.
366. Tao Ban, Changshui Zhang, and Wei Shu. A Multi-Agent Based Approach to Modeling and Rendering of 3D Tree Bark Textures. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligenc, Volume 2801/2003, Title:Advances in Artificial Life, 7th European Conference, ECAL 2003, Dortmund, Germany, September 14-17, 2003, Proceedings, pp.572-579.
367. Ban Tao, Zhang Changshui, Shu Wei, Kou Zhongbao. A Novel Approach in Off-line Handwritten Chinese Character Stroke Segmentation. The 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, Xi’an, China. 2003.9.27. pp.314-318.
368. Jun Wang, Changshui Zhang, Zhongbao Kou. An Analytical Mapping for LLE and Its Applications in Multi-Pose Face Synthesis. The 14th British Machine Vision Conference, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. 9th-11th September 2003.
369. Jun Wang, Changshui Zhang. A Novel Method for Compression of Image Sequences Based on Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. The 8th Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB'03), Oita, Japan, January 2003, pp.341-344.
370. Jun Wang, Chi Zhang, Changshui Zhang. A Learning Model Based on Pixels for Illumination Analysis.International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies: CCCT '03 and The 9th. International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis: ISAS '03, July 31, August 1-2, 2003 - Orlando, Florida, USA.
371. Yalin Zheng. Stratied construction of fuzzy propositional logic. Proceedings of International Conference on Fuzzy Information Processing, Tsinghua University Press, Springer-Verlag, 2003, 1-2:169-174.
372. Xun Xu, Changshui Zhang. Multi-agent Developmental Model of Plants. In: Proc. of 7th Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB'02), Oita, Japan, January 2002, pp.556-559.
373. Tianshi Jiao, Changshui Zhang. A multi-agent method for texture synthesis. In: Proc. of 7th Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB'02), Oita, Japan, January 2002, pp.560-563.
374. Ce Liu, Harry Shum, Changshui Zhang. Hierarchical shape modeling for automatic face localization. Computer Vision - ECCV 2002, 7th European Conference on Computer Vision, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 28-31, 2002, Proceedings, Part II. 2351 Springer 2002, pp.687-703, pp.687-703.
375. Baibo Zhang, Changshui Zhang. Lower Bounds Estimation to KL Transform in Face Representation and Recognition. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2002. Nov. 4-5 2002 Proceedings. Vol.3, pp.1314-1318.
376. 胡振,傅昆,张长水 基于深度学习的作曲家分类问题 计算机研究与发展2014,51(09):1945-1954.
377. 郭振,张长水,孟海军,李金峰 锂离子电池优化充电技术研究现状 电池 2013,43(02):116-118.
378. 张长水 机器学习面临的挑战 中国科学:信息科学2013,43(12):1612-1623.
379. Changshui Zhang, Fei Wang. Graph-based semi-supervised learning. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China(Front. Electr. Electron. Eng. China). Accepted, 2011.
380. Yangqiu Song, Jianguo Lee, Changshui Zhang, Shiming Xiang. Semi-Supervised Gaussian Random Field Transduction and Induction. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China (Invited Paper), 2008, 3(1):1-9
381. Yangqiu Song, Qutang Cai, Feiping Nie and Changshui Zhang. Semi-Supervised Additive Logistic Regression: A Gradient Descent Solution. Accepted by Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2007.
382. 庄力可,寇忠宝,张长水 网络日志挖掘中基于时间间隔的会话切分.清华大学学报(自然科学版)2005(01):115-118;J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Tech), 2005, Vol.45, No.1, pp115-118.
383. Kou Zhongbao, Zhang Changshui. Multi-agent based classifier combination (In Chinese). Jisuanji Xuebao, Vol.26, No.2 pp174-179 , 2003.