

陆 耿









IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Trans. Control System, IEEE Sensor Journal,COMPEL,《电机工程学报》等审稿人

International Conference on Unmanned Aerial System会议国际委员会成








(1) 无人直升机鲁棒位姿估计问题:针对10kg~1000kg级电动及油动常规布局无人直升机、倾转旋翼无人直升机、纵列旋翼无人直升机等飞行平台,研制具有鲁棒性能的非线性滤波器,将包括陀螺仪、加速度计、电子罗盘、气压计、超声测距模块、摄像头、GPS等在内的传感器信息进行数据融合,使之在高振动、强干扰情况下对直升机的位置和姿态进行精确测量。

(2) 无人直升机动力学建模和鲁棒控制问题:在对动力学和机械特性进行建模的基础上,针对不确定性、非线性和强干扰等对于飞行品质的影响,设计鲁棒非线性控制器,实现高性能飞行控制,使无人直升机仅依靠单一控制器能稳定工作在悬停、小机动低航速、大机动高航速、强气流干扰等极端状态下,并可在陆地或摇摆的海上舰船甲板上自主起飞着陆。

(3) 无人直升机视觉跟踪控制问题: 针对运动的地面/水面目标跟踪应用场合,将视觉信息引入直升机控制器,实现依靠视觉信息跟踪地面车辆、水面舰艇,并在获得允许的情况下利用车载/船载标志物实现运动中起飞、着陆。

(4) 无人直升机群自主飞行控制问题:针对多无人机自主飞行控制问题,以无人直升机为典型应用平台,研究机群编队飞行时的环境与相对位姿感知、多机信息融合、基于局部信息的群体一致性控制方法等问题。

(5) 无人直升机飞行控制系统研制: 为实现上述任务/功能,课题组研制开发了具有自主知识产权的飞行控制系统,该系统目前已发展至第四代,包括中央处理器、多种传感器和执行器(舵机)等。不仅可应用于传统布局的无人直升机,也可应用于传统固定翼无人机、推力矢量固定翼无人机、无人飞艇等飞行器中。




(1) 缩微环境下智能车视听觉感知问题:

(2) 缩微环境下多智能车编队控制问题:

(3) 智能车与无人直升机空地协同控制问题。


基于多旋翼无人直升机的现代控制实验教学平台 清华大学实验技术成果一等奖

国际空中机器人大赛2017(IARC) System Design Award

全国机器人锦标赛暨第七届国际仿人机器人奥林匹克大赛 混合控制型飞行赛一等奖、遥控型飞行赛一等奖、自主型避障飞行赛一等奖

国际空中机器人大赛2014(IARC) Best Target Detection Award

无人直升机鲁棒控制技术与系统 中国产学研合作创新成果奖



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[4]Hao Liu, Geng Lu, and Yisheng Zhong, Robust LQR Attitude Control of a 3-DOF Laboratory Helicopter for Aggressive Maneuvers,IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics. 2013, 60(10), pp 4627 – 4636

[5]Hao Liu, Yongqiang Bai, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong. Robust attitude control of uncertain quadrotors, IET Control Theory and Applications, 7(11): 1583-1589, 2013

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[14]Zhou, Yan; Dong, Xiwang; Lu, Geng; Zhong, Yisheng.Time-varying formation control for unmanned aerial vehicles with switching interaction topologies. Proceedings on 2014 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS. 2014: 1203-1209

[15]Dong, Xiwang ; Meng, Fanlin; Shi, Zongying; Lu, Geng; Zhong, Yisheng .Output containment control for swarm systems with general linear dynamics: A dynamic output feedback approach, Systems and Control Letters, 2014, 71: 31-37.

[16]Geng, Lu; Xiafu, Wang; Yisheng, Zhong . Robust motion controller design and implementation for unmanned helicopter. Proceedings on 2nd IFAC Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems, RED-UAS, 2013, 2 (1): 26-31 .

[17]Pan, Qihua ; Lu, Geng; Shi, Zongying; Zhong, Yisheng. Quasi-omnidirectional ultrasonic transceiver. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2013, 34, (10):2238-2243.

[18]Hao Liu, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong. Robust output tracking control of a laboratory helicopter for automatic landing. Proceedings of 2013 American Control Conference: 4307-4312.

[19]Liu, Hao ; Lu, Geng ; Zhong, Yisheng. Real-time implementation of a robust hierarchical controller for a laboratory helicopter, Proceedings of 9th Asian Control Conference, 2013: 1-6.

[20]X. W. Dong, J. X. Xi, G. Lu, and Y. S. Zhong .Formation analysis and feasibility for high-order linear time-invariant swarm systems with time delays, Proceedings of 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 2013:7023-7029

[21]Hao Liu, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong Robust attitude control of a quadrotor helicopter with unknown parameters, Proceedings of 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 2013: 2633-2637.

[22]Xiafu Wang, You Chen, Geng Lu, Yisheng Zhong Robust Flight Control of Small-scale Unmanned Helicopter. Proceedings of 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 2013:2700-2705.

[23]You Chen, Xiafu Wang(&), Geng Lu (*), Yisheng Zhong Modeling and LQR Control of Small Unmanned Helicopter. Proceedings of 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 2013: 4301-4305.

[24]X. W. Dong, Z. Y. Shi, G. Lu, and Y. S. Zhong Output containment control for high-order linear time-invariant swarm systems, Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.

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[27]Hao L, Geng L, Yisheng Z.Theory and experiments on robust LQR attitude control of a 3-DOF lab helicopter. Proceedings of 31st Chinese Control Conference, 2012: 2335-2340.

[28]Yu, Yao; Lu, Geng; Zhong, Yi-Sheng Robust decentralized control for a 3-DOF helicopter. Proceedings of 31st Chinese Control Conference, 2012: 2708-2714.

[29]Jiang, Peng; Peng, Li-Hui; Lu, Geng; Xiao, De-Yun Iterative image reconstruction algorithm based on Bayesian theorem for electrical capacitance tomography. Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, 2008,28(11):65-71

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[31]Pu Y, Lu G, Zhong Y. Robust control of vertical flight and rotor speed for mini-helicopter[C]// Chinese Control Conference. 2016:10851-10857.

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