1993-1998 清华大学电机系电气工程及其自动化专业获工学学士学位
1998-2004 清华大学自动化系控制科学与工程专业获工学博士学位
2008年9月-至今 清华大学自动化系,讲师、副教授
2012年9月-2012年10月 澳大利亚国立大学,访问学者
2011年9月-2011年10月 日本理化学研究所,访问学者
2005年2月-2008年9月 美国普林斯顿大学化学系,博士后
中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会量子控制理论与技术学组主任 (2018 - )
中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会控制理论教育工作组委员 (2018 - )
Quantum Machine Intelligence, 编委
Complex System Modeling and Simulation, 编委
1. 面向量子信息技术实用化的高精度、高速度和高可靠性量子控制技术,及其在超导、自旋等物理体系中的实验应用。
2. 基于几何分析的量子系统优化的复杂性理论(Landscape Theory)。
3. 量子人工智能技术及其在物理实验系统中的实现。
国家重点研发计划 (2017YFA0304304)
“具有量子纠错和存储功能的多超导量子比特集成系统”(参与) 2017.7-2022.6
国家重点研发计划 (2018YFA0306703)
“量子程序设计理论、方法与工具”(参与) 2018.5-2023.4
1. Xiao-Zhen Ge, and Re-Bing Wu*. “Risk-sensitive optimization for robust quantum controls”. Physical Review A, 104:012422, 2021.
2. Haijin Ding, Bing Chu, Bo Qi, Re-Bing Wu*. “Collaborative Learning of High-Precision Quantum Control and Tomography”, Physical Review Applied, 16:014056, 2021.
3. Xi Cao, Bing Chu, Zhihui Peng, Yu-xi Liu and Re-Bing Wu. “Learning to Calibrate Quantum Control Pulses”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2020.
4. Xi Cao, Yu-xi Liu and Re-Bing Wu. “Identification of Time-varying Signals in Quantum Systems”, Physical Review A, 103:022612, 2021.
5. Re-Bing Wu, Xi Cao, Pinchen Xie, and Yu-xi Liu. “End-To-End Quantum Machine Learning Implemented with Controlled Quantum Dynamics”, Physical Review Applied, 14:064020, 2020.
6. Xiao-Zhen Ge, Hai-Jin Ding, Herschel Rabitz, and Re-Bing Wu*. “Robust quantum control in games: An adversarial learning approach”. Physical Review A, 101(5): 052317, 2020.
7. Re-Bing Wu, Qiuyang Sun, Tak-San Ho, and Herschel Rabitz. “Inherently trap-free convex landscapes for fully quantum optimal control”. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 57(9):2154-2167, 2019.
8. Re-Bing Wu, Hai-Jin Ding, Daoyi Dong, Xiaoting Wang. “Learning robust and high-precision quantum controls", Physical Review A, 99:042327, 2019.
9. Hai-Jin Ding and Re-Bing Wu*. "Robust quantum control against clock noises in multiqubit systems", Physical Review A, 100:022302, 2019.
10. Re-Bing Wu, Bing Chu, David H. Owens and Herschel Rabitz. "Data-driven gradient algorithm for high-precision quantum control", Physical Review A, 97:042122, 2018.
11. Re-Bing Wu, Yu Zheng, Qi-Ming Chen and Yu-xi Liu. "Synthesizing exceptional points with three resonators", Physical Review A, 98:033817, 2018.
12. Qi-Ming Chen, Yu-xi Liu, Luyan Sun and Re-Bing Wu*. "Tuning the coupling between superconducting resonators with collective qubits", Physical Review A, 98:042328, 2018.
13. Wen-Bin Dong, Re-Bing Wu*, Wei Zhang, Chunwen Li and Tzyh-Jong Tarn. "Spatial control model and analysis of quantum fields in one-dimensional waveguides", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54:1352-1377, 2016.
14. Re-Bing Wu, Constantin Brif, Matthew James and Herschel Rabitz. "Limits of optimal control yields achievable with quantum controllers", Physical Review A, 91:042327, 2015.
15. Tian-Ming Zhang, Re-Bing Wu*, Fei-Hao Zhang, Tzyh-Jong Tarn, and Gui-Lu Long, "Minimum-Time selective control of Homonuclear spins", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 23(5):2018-2025, 2015.
16. Qi-Ming Chen, Re-Bing Wu*, Tian-Ming Zhang and Herschel Rabitz. "Near-time-optimal control for quantum systems", Physical Review A, 92:06341, 2015.
17. Re-Bing Wu, Tie-Fu Li, Abraham Kofman, Jing Zhang, Yu-xi Liu, Y. Pashkin, Jaw-Sen Tsai and Franco Nori. Spectral analysis and identification of noises in quantum systems. Physical Review A, 87:022324, 2013.
1. Jing Zhang, Yu-xi Liu, Re-Bing Wu, Kurt Jacobs and Franco Nori. "Quantum feedback: Theory, experiments, and applications", Physics Reports, 679, 1-60, 2017.
2. Si-Cong Lu, Yu Zhang, Xiaoting Wang and Re-Bing Wu*. "Quantum machine learning", Control Theory & Applications 34:1429-36, 2017.
3. Wen-Bin Dong, Re-Bing Wu*, Xiaohu Yuan, Chunwen Li and Tzyh-Jong Tarn. "The modelling of quantum control systems", Science Bulletin, 60:1493-1508, 2015.
4. Herschel Rabitz, Re–Bing Wu, Tak–San Ho, Katharine Tibbetts, Xiaojiang Feng, Fundamental Principles of Control Landscapes with Applications to to Quantum Mechanics, Chemistry and Evolution, in Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes, Hendrik Richter, Andries P. Engelbrecht (Editors), Springer, 2013.
本科生专业基础课《自动控制原理》 (2011-)