1991年9月–1996年6月 中国石油大学(北京),地球科学系地球物理专业,博士生
1986年9月–1991年7月 清华大学,自动化系,本科生
2006年-至今 清华大学自动化系,研究员
2000年-2006年 清华大学自动化系,副教授
2000年-2002年 Texas A&M University,博士后
1998年-2000年 清华大学自动化系,讲师
1996年-1998年 清华大学自动化系,博士后
[1] 信号处理及应用
[2] 图象处理及应用
[3] 机器学习
1.基于闭环卷积神经网络的测井约束地震反演,自然科学基金面上项目,41974126,负责 2020.1至 2023.12
2.基于人工智能的多元信息相容性表达研究,国家重点研发计划课题,2018YFA0702501,负责2019.9至 2024.8
3.高精度参数辨识噪声压制及弱信号增强技术,国家科技重大专项项目子课题 负责 2016.1至 2020.12
4.一种自适应数据驱动的时空域地震数据鬼波压制方法,自然科学基金面上项目,负责 2017.1至 2020.12
5.面向地震波阻抗反演的深度学习建模,横向合作项目 负责 2019年7-2020年7月
6.模糊区特定类型干扰波压制方法研究,横向合作项目 负责 2019年7-2020年5月
7.基于机器学习的去噪核心算法研究,横向合作项目 负责 2018年8-2019年7月
8.基于深度学习的缝洞型油藏描述方法研究,横向合作项目 负责 2018年6-2019年7月
9.鲁棒的地震数据匹配滤波算法,横向合作项目 负责 2018年12-2019年3月
10.抗噪、抗假频叠前地震数据插值方法研究,自然科学基金青年项目,参加 2017.1至 2018.12
11.临兴区块致密砂岩气地球物理勘探关键技术研究-致密砂岩气藏地震关键处理技术研发,横向合作项目 负责 2016年8-2017年8月
12.基于图像分割的沉积微相自动划分研究,横向合作项目 负责 2016年7-2017年7
13.RTM偏移成像的噪音压制技术,横向合作项目 负责 2016年7-2017年7
14.倾斜电缆子波处理及拓频研究 ,横向合作项目 负责 2014年7月-2015年7月
15.基于散射波分离成像技术 横向合作项目 负责 2014年1月-2015年1月
16.基于时频分析和模式识别的地震属性提取和分析技术 横向合作项目 负责 2013年12月-2015年5月
17.鲁棒的地震资料及属性增强技术体系完善与应用 国家科技重大专项项目子课题 负责 2011年1月-2015年12月
18.拖缆双检波场分离技术 横向合作项目 负责 2011年6月至2011年12月
19.基于现代信息处理技术的地震属性分析 横向合作项目 负责 2011年1月至2011年12月
20.海洋震源子波鬼波压制技术研究 横向合作项目 负责 2010年4月至2011年3月
21.基于卷积信号盲分离的多次波自适应相减技术 自然科学基金面上 负责 2009年1月至2009年12月
22.基于现代信号处理的地震资料及属性增强技术 国家科技重大专项子课题 负责 2008年1月至2010年12月
23.盲地震信号处理技术 863 负责 2006年12月至2010年12月
24.深水海域地震资料处理技术 863 负责 2006年12月至2010年12月
25.利用独立分量分析方法自适应减去多次波技术研究 横向合作 负责 2007年11月至2008年4月
26.自动异纤分拣仪的视频检测及控制系统研究 横向合作 负责 2006年6月至2007年6月
27.超分辨率地震信号处理方法研究 横向合作 负责 2006年1月至2007年12月
28.基于时频分析的剩余动校正量估计和消除技术 横向合作 负责 2006年8月至2006年12月
29.基于盲信号分离的多次波压制技术 国家自然科学基金面上 负责 2004年12月至2007年12月
30.基于高阶统计量的地震成像技术研究 横向合作 负责 2003年9月至2005年12月
31.隐蔽圈闭的地质—地球物理精确预测和描述 国家科技攻关 负责 2003年1月至2005年12月
32.济阳坳陷复杂隐蔽油气藏地质评价和勘探关键技术研究 国家科技攻关 负责 2000年1月至2003年12月
1.Wang B., Zhang N., Lu W., Geng J., and Huang X., 2019. Intelligent missing shots reconstruction by using the spatial reciprocity of the Green function based on deep learning, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Online.
2.Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Lu, W., & Geng, J. (2019). A Robust and Efficient Sparse Time-Invariant Radon Transform in the Mixed Time-Frequency Domain. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,57(10),7558-7566.
3.Jia Z, Lu W. (2019). CNN-Based Ringing Effect Attenuation of Vibroseis Data for First-Break Picking[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 16(8),1319-1323.
4.Xu P, Lu W, Wang B. (2019). Automatic Source Localization and Attenuation of Seismic Interference Noise Using Density-Based Clustering Method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(7),4612-4623.
5.Xu, P., Lu, W., & Wang, B. (2019). A semi-supervised learning framework for gas chimney detection based on sparse autoencoder and TSVM. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 16(1),52-61.
6.Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Lu, W., & Xu P. (2019). Automatic detection and attenuation of the external source interference noise by using a time-invariant hyperbolic Radon transform. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,16(3),585-598.
7.Wang, B., Zhang, N., Lu, W., & Wang, J. (2019). Deep-learning-based seismic data interpolation: A preliminary result. Geophysics, 84(1), V11-V20.
8.王钰清, 陆文凯, 刘金林 等. (2019). 基于数据增广和CNN的地震随机噪声压制. 地球物理学报,62(1): 421-433.
9.王本锋,陆文凯,陈小宏,王志凯,2018,基于3D Curvelet变换的频率域高效地震数据插值方法研究:石油物探. 57(1): 65-71.
10.Wang J, Lu W, Liu L., Wang B. (2018). Enhancement of Deghosted Seismic Data Based on Spectra Reconstruction[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15(12), 1827-1831.
11.Wang B, Lu W. (2018). An Efficient Amplitude-Preserving Generalized S Transform and Its Application in Seismic Data Attenuation Compensation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(2), 859-866.
12.Liu, J., Dai, X., Gan, L., Liu, L., & Lu, W. (2018). Supervised seismic facies analysis based on image segmentation. Geophysics, 83(2), O25-O30.
13.Wang, B., & Lu, W. (2017). Accurate and efficient seismic data interpolation in the principal frequency wavenumber domain. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 14(6), 1475.
14.Wang Y, Lu W, Wang B, et al. Extraction of strong beadlike-reflections for carbonate-karst reservoir using tensor-based adaptive mathematical morphology[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017.
15.Wang Y, Lu W, Wang B. An Events Rearrangement Strategy-Based Robust Principle Component Analysis[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2017, 14(6): 881-885.
16.Wang B, Jakobsen M, Wu R S, et al. Accurate and efficient velocity estimation using Transmission matrix formalism based on the domain decomposition method[J]. Inverse Problems, 2017, 33(3): 035002.
17.Liu J, Lu W, Zhang Y. Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Based on Sparse Coding[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017, 55(3): 1318-1324.
18.Lu, W., Xu, Z., Fang, Z., Wang, R., & Yan, C. (2017). Receiver deghosting in the tx domain based on super-Gaussianity. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 136, 134-141.
19.Wang Y, Lu W, Wang B, et al. A robust polynomial principal component analysis for seismic noise attenuation[J]. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2016, 13(6): 1002.
20.Wang, Y., & Lu, W. (2016). Discontinuity enhancement based on time-variant seismic image deblurring. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 135, 155-162.
21.陈鼎新, 陆文凯, 刘代志. 向量距离中角度信息对时空 Kriging 的影响[J]. 清华大学学报 (自然科学版), 2016, 65(5): 553-557.
22.王本锋, 吴如山, 陈小宏, 陆文凯. 基于T-matrix的非线性参数估计方法[J]. 地球物理学报, 2016, 59(6).
23.Zhang P, Lu W. Automatic time-domain velocity estimation based on an accelerated clustering method[J]. Geophysics, 2016, 81(4): U13-U23.
24.Liu J L., Lu W K. A Probabilistic Framework for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 2016,54(9),5375-5384.
25.Liu, Lei, Lu, Wenkai, Adaptive f-k deghosting method based on non-gaussianity, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2016, 127, 14-22.
26.Li Z X, Li Z C, Lu W K. Multichannel predictive deconvolution based on the fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm[J]. Geophysics, 2016, 81(1): V17-V30.
27.Liu J, Lu W. Adaptive multiple subtraction based on multiband pattern coding[J]. Geophysics, 2016, 81(1): V69-V78
28.Zhang P, Lu W, Zhang Y. Velocity analysis with local event slopes related probability density function[J]. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2015, 123: 177-187.
29.Liu L, Lu WK, A Fast L1 Linear Estimator and its Application on Predictive Deconvolution, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2015,12(5),1056-1060.
30.Zhou, JiaXiong ,Lu, Wenkai ,He, Jianwei,Liu, Bing,Ren, Tin,A data-dependent Fourier filter based on image segmentation for random seismic noise attenuation,Journal of Applied Geophysics,2015,114:224-231.
31.Wang, Yuchen ,Lu, Wenkai ,Zhang, Peng,An improved coherence algorithm with robust local slope estimation,Journal of Applied Geophysics,2015,114:146-157.
32.Zhang YQ, Lu WK, (2014),2D and 3D prestack seismic data regularization using an accelerated sparse time-invariant Radon transform, Geophysics, 79(5), V165-V177.
33.Hu CH, Lu WK, (2014), A hybrid method for strong low-frequency noise suppression in prestack seismic data, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 108, 78-89.
34.Li ZX, Lu WK, (2014), Demultiple strategy combining Radon filtering and Radon domain adaptive multiple subtraction , Journal of Applied Geophysics, 103, 1-11.
35.Lu WK, Zhang YQ, Zhen BR,2014, Automatic source localization of diffracted seismic noise in shallow water, Geophysics, 79(2), V23-V31.
36.Li FY, Lu WK, 2014, Coherence attribute at different spectral scales, Interpretation, 2(1), SA99-SA106.
37.He JW, Lu WK, Li ZX, 2013, An adaptive over/under data combination method, Applied geophysics, 10(4), 469-476.
38.Li ZX, Lu WK, (2013), Adaptive multiple subtraction based on 3D blind separation of convolved mixtures , GEOPHYSICS, 78(6),P251-P266.
39.Chen, Z., Fomel, S., and Lu, W. (2013). ” Omnidirectional plane-wave destruction.” GEOPHYSICS, 78(5), V171–V179.
40.Hu C., Tu N., and Lu W., 2013, Seismic attenuation estimation using an improved frequency shift method, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , 10(5),1026-1030.
41.Lu W.,2013, "An accelerated sparse time-invariant Radon transform in the mixed frequency-time domain based on iterative 2D model shrinkage." GEOPHYSICS, 78(4), V147–V155.
43.Lu, W. and Li, F. (2013)."Seismic spectral decomposition using deconvolutive short-time Fourier transform spectrogram." GEOPHYSICS, 78(2), V43–V51.
44.Lu, W. and Zhang, C. (2013). ”Robust estimation of instantaneous phase using a time-frequency adaptive filter.” GEOPHYSICS, 78(1), O1–O7.
45.Chen, Z., Fomel, S., and Lu, W. (2013). ”Accelerated plane-wave destruction.” GEOPHYSICS, 78(1), V1–V9.
52.Tu N. , Lu WK, Improve Q estimates with spectrum correction based on seismic wavelet estimation, Applied geophysics, 2010,7(3),p217-228
53.Wang J., Lu W., Coherence cube enhancement based on local histogram specification, Applied geophysics, 2010,7(3),p249-256
54.王季,陆文凯, 线阵相机场曲复原及在异纤检测中的应用, 光学精密工程,2010, 18(9), 2116-2122。
55.Lu WK, Liu L., Adaptive multiple subtraction based on constrained independent component analysis, Geophysics, 2009, 74(1), pp. V1-7.
56.Lu WK, Zhang Q., Deconvolutive short-time Fourier transform spectrogram, IEEE signal processing letters, 2009, 16(7), pp.576-579.
57.Pang T., Lu W., Adaptive multiple subtraction using a constrained L-1-norm method with lateral continuity, Applied geophysics, 2009,6(3),p241-247
58.Lu YH, Lu WK, An edge-preserving polynomial fitting method for random seismic noise suppression, Geophysics , 2009, 74(4), V69-73
59.薛亚茹,陈小宏,陆文凯,压制多次波的正交多项式谱减法,地球物理学报,2009, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp 817-823.
60.薛亚茹,陆文凯,陈小宏,黄饶,马继涛,基于正交多项式变换的CMP动校正道集随机噪声压制,地球物理学进展,2009, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp 159-163.
61.Liu J., Lu WK, An improved predictive deconvolution based on maximization of non-Gaussianity, Applied Geophysics, 2008, 5(3), pp. 189-196.
62.薛亚茹,陆文凯,陈小宏,黄饶,刘志鹏,基于正交多项式的高精度零炮检距地震道拟合,石油地球物理勘探,2008, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp 213-216.
63.Lu W., Zhang Y., Zhang S., Xiao H., Blind wavelet estimation using a zero-lag slice of the fourth-order statistics, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2007, 4, pp. 24-30.
64.Lu W., Zhang W., Liu D., Local linear coherent noise attenuation based on local polynomial approximation, Geophysics, 71(6), pp. V163-169, 2006.
65.Lu W., Blind image deconvolution using zero-lag slice of higher order statistics, Optics Letters, 31, pp. 1839-1841, 2006.
66.Lu W., Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Using independent component analysis, Geophysics, 71(5), pp. S179-184, 2006.
67.Li Y., Lu W. et al., Dip scanning coherence algorithm using eigenstructure analysis and super-trace technique, Geophysics, 71(3), V61-66, 2006.
68.Lu W., Zhang Y., Reply to Comment on: ‘Non-minimum-phase wavelet estimation using second-and third-order moments’ by Wenkai Lu, Geophysical prospecting, 54, 489-490, 2006.
69.Lu W., Adaptive noise attenuation of seismic images based on singular value decomposition and texture direction detection, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2006, Vol. 3, 28-34.
70.陆文凯,张善文和肖焕钦, 基于相干滤波的相干体图像增强, 《天然气工业》,Vol. 26, No. 5, 37-39, 2006。
71.Li Y., Ma Z., Lu W., Li Y., Automatic removal of eye blink artifact from EEG using an ICA-based template matching approach, Physiological Measurement, 27, pp. 425-436, 2006.
72.Lu W., Li Y., Zhang S., Xiao H., Higher-order statistics and super-trace based coherence estimation algorithm, Geophysics, 2005, Vol. 70, No. 3, pp P13-18.
73.Lu W., Blind channel estimation using zero-lag slice of third order moment, IEEE signal processing letters, 2005,12(10), pp725-727.
74.Lu W., Non-minimum-phase Wavelet Estimation Using Second and Higher Order Moment, Geophysical prospecting, Vol 53. No.1, 2005,149-158.
75.陆文凯,丁文龙,张善文,肖焕钦,赵铭海,基于信号子空间分解的3D地震资料高分辨率处理方法,地球物理学报,2005, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp 896-901.
76.Lu W., Mao F., Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Using Independent Component Analysis, The Leading edge, 2005, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp 282-284.
77.Lu W., and Yang Y., Depth resolution improvement for OCT signals based on super-resolution algorithm, International Journal of Information Technology, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp 100-107.
78.Wang B., and Lu W., A In-depth Comparasion on FastICA, CuBICA and IC-FastICA, ICNC'05-FSKD'05 , Lecture notes in computer science, 2005, Vol. 3611, 410-414.
79.Yin F., Guang F., and Lu W., A technique for on-board CT reconstruction using both kilovoltage and megavoltage beam projections for 3-D Treatment Verification, Medical physics, 2005, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp 2819-2826.
81.Lu W., Yin F., Adaptive Algebraic Reconstruction Technique, Medical physics, Vol. 31, No. 12, 2004, pp3222-3230.
82.陆文凯,张善文,基于频率搬移的地震资料约束测井资料外推, 《地球物理学报》,No. 2, 2004,354-358。(SCI)
83.陆文凯,张善文和肖焕钦, 用于断层检测的图象去模糊技术, 《石油地球物理勘探》, Vol. 39, No. 6, 2004, 686-689。
84.姚凯丰,陆文凯,丁文龙,张善文, 肖焕钦, 李衍达,一种基于SVM特征选择的油气预测方法,天然气工业,2004, 24(7): 36-38
85.Wu X., Lu W., Nested Buffer SMO Algorithm for Training Support Vector Classifiers, ISNN04,Lecture notes in computer science, 2004, Vol.3173, 500-505.
86.Yao K., Lu W., Zhang S., Xiao H., Li Y., Hydrocarbon Reservoir Prediction Using Support Vector Machines, ISNN04, Lecture notes in computer science, 2004, Vol.3173,537-542.
87.Lu W. and Zhang S., Well-log parameter extrapolation constrained by seismic data based on frequency shift, Chinese Journal of Geophysics,Vol.47, No.2,2004.
88.Lu W., Zhang X., Li Y., Multiple removal based on detection and estimation of localized coherent signal, Geophysics, Vol.68, No.2, 2003, pp745-750.
89.Lu W., Gai J., Blind deconvolution of spotted image based on slice selection of the third order moment, Electronics letters,Vol 39, No. 5,2003, pp 425-426.
90.陆文凯,钟菁华,用约束型自组织特征映射网络实现多井约束插值,《测井技术》,No. 3, 2003,p203-206。
91.Xiang Wu, Li Tan, Wenkai Lu, Xuegong Zhang, An Improved SMO Algorithm, Proceeding of The 8'th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2003.
92.吴翔, 谭李, 陆文凯, 张学工, 提高超大规模SVM训练计算速度的研究, 模式识别与人工智能, Vol16, No.1, 2003.
93.W. Lu, Blind deconvolution using maximum time delay slice of third order moment, Electronics letters, Vol. 38, No. 24, 2002, pp 1601-1603.
94.Lu,W., and Ikelle,L.T., Imaging beyond seismic wavelength using higher-order statistics: Journal of Seismic Exploration, 10, pp.95-119,2001.
95.Lu, W., Localized 2-D filter-based linear coherent noise attenuation, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 10, No. 9,pp. 1379-1383,2001.
96.Lu wenkai et al., High resolution stack velocity determination based on signal estimation, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Vol.44, No.6, 2001.
98.陆文凯,张学工,李衍达,何汉猗,温书亮,刘永江. 基于信号估计的高分辨率叠加速度分析.地球物理学报,2001,44(6):871:876。
99.陆文凯,李衍达,谢军,王艳,潘明庆,地层真电阻率恢复神经网络法,测井技术, 1999, 23(1):19:23。
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1.Wang Y., Ge Q., Lu W., Yan X., 2019, Seismic impedance inversion based on cycle-consistent generative adversarial network: 89th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
2.P. Xu, W. Lu, J. Tang and L. Chen. “High-resolution Reservoir Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks.”, in 81th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London, 2019.
3.Jia, Z., Lu, W., Zhang, M., & Miao, Y. (2019, April). Separating ground-roll from land seismic record via convolutional neural network. In SEG 2018 Workshop: SEG Maximizing Asset Value Through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Beijing, China, 17-19 September 2018 (pp. 60-63). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Chinese Geophysical Society.
4.Wang, B., Zhang, N., Lu, W., 2018, Intelligent shot gather reconstruction using residual learning networks: 88th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
5.Wang, B., Zhang, N., Lu, W., Zhang, P., Geng, J., 2018, Seismic Data Interpolation Using Deep Learning Based Residual Networks, 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen, Th A15 14.
6.Wang B., Lu W., Gu C. 2017, Multichannel attenuation compensation based on compressive sensing: 87th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
7.Wang B., Lu W., Gu C. 2017, Double acceleration of the amplitude preserving generalized S transform for seismic data attenuation compensation: 87th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
8.Xu P., Lu W., Wang B., 2017, Multi-attribute classification based on sparse autoencoder: a gas chimney detection example: 79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Paris.
9.Lu W. Edge-preserving lateral prediction for noise attenuation based on classification.Geoconvention, Calgary, Canada, 15-19 May 2017.
10.Lu W. Adaptive estimation of signal-dependent radially Gaussian kernel for time-frequency analysis[C]//International Geophysical Conference, Qingdao, China, 17-20 April 2017. Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Chinese Petroleum Society, 2017: 115-118.
11.Wang Y, Lu W. Extraction of carbonate-karst reservoirs based on adaptive mathematical morphology[C]//International Geophysical Conference, Qingdao, China, 17-20 April 2017. Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Chinese Petroleum Society, 2017: 154-157.
12.Wang B, Lu W. Accurate and efficient seismic data interpolation using FK-curvelet transform[C]//International Geophysical Conference, Qingdao, China, 17-20 April 2017. Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Chinese Petroleum Society, 2017: 280-283.
13.Cui, Z., Lu, W., & Liu, J. (2016, November). Real-time Industrial Vision System for Automatic Product Surface Inspection. In Proceedings of the 2016 8th International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (pp. 93-97). ACM.
14.Wang B., Chen X., Lu W., Guo Z., and Guo K., 2016. Comparison of the POCS and IHT methods for seismic data interpolation and denoising, SEG Annual Meeting: 4845-4849.
15.Wang B., Chen X., Lu W., Wang Z., and Mu J., 2016. An Amplitude Preserving S-transform for Seismic Data Attenuation Compensation, 78th EAGE Conference &Exhibition, We P4 05.
16.Wang B., Guo Z., Chen X., and Lu W., 2016. Non-stationary sparse reflectivity inversion using non-convex constraint in frequency domain, SEG Annual Meeting: 3741-3745.
17.Wang B., Wu R.-S., Chen X., Lu W., and Liu G., 2016. Nonlinear Deghosting Based on the T-matrix Method, 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, We P1 01.
18.Zhang Y., Wang B., and Lu W., 2016. A robust sparse Radon transform in the mixed time-frequency domain, SEG Annual Meeting: 4850-4854.
19.Liu J., Lu W., Wang B., 2016, Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Based on 3DPattern Coding, 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition.
20.Zhang Y., Lu W., Wang B., 2016, A Fast and Robust Sparse Time-invariant RadonTransform Based on 2D Alternating SplitBregman Algorithm, 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition.
21.Wang Y., and Lu W., 2016. Blind restoration of poststack 3D seismic data, SEG Annual Meeting: 1976-1980.
22.Liu L, Lu W. An Accelerated Algorithm for Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Using L1 Estimator, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2015: 4569-4573.
23.Liu J, Lu W. Adaptive multiple subtraction based on PCA, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2015: 4480-4484.
24.Lu W, Xu Z, Fang Z, et al. Deghosting for variable depth streamer based on super-Gaussianity, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2015: 4545-4549.
25.Jinlin Liu, Wenkai Lu, and Lei Liu (2014) Supervied Seismic Faices Classification Based on Segmentation. Beijing 2014 International Geophysical Conference & Exposition, Beijing, China, 21-24 April 2014: pp. 826-829.
26.Zhang Yingqiang and Lu Wenkai (2014) A 3D constrained hybrid linear-pseudo hyperbolic Radon transform. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014: pp. 4350-4354.
27.Lei Liu and Wenkai Lu (2014) Non-Gaussianity based time varying predictive deconvolution for multiple removal. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014: pp. 4162-4166.
28.Zhang YQ, Lu WK, Zhen BR,(2014),Ship Propeller Noise Removal Using a Time-invariant Hyperbolic Radon Transform, EAGE, Amsterdam2014.
29.Hu CH, Lu WK, Zhang YQ,(2014),Seismic Facies Classification Using Visualization-induced Self-organizing Mapping, EAGE, Amsterdam2014.
31.Chen Z., Lu W., Robust estimation of geometrical attributes, EAGE 2013.
32.Zhang Y.Q., Lu W.K., A New 3D High Resolution Tau-p Transform, EAGE 2013
34.Gao X, Lu WK, Li FY, Jiang XD, The Application of Robust Pincipal Component Analysis for Weak Seismic Signal Enhancement, EAGE 2013
35.Li ZX, Lu WK, Hybrid demultiple method in the Radon domain, EAGE 2013
36.Li ZX, Lu WK, Liu L, Blind 2D convolved mixtures separation of primaries and multiples with non-Gaussian filters, EAGE 2013
37.Li FY, Lu WK, Zhang P, Li YD, Zhang Y, Spectral coherence and its application, EAGE 2013.
38.Lu WK, Wang J, Cheng JY, Channel Wave Tomography for Detecting Inhomogeneties in Coal Seam: a Real Dataset Example, EAGE 2013.
39.Lu WK, Zhang YQ, Zhen BR, Localization and Attenuation of Diffracted Seismic Noise in Shallow Water, EAGE 2013.
40.张英强,陆文凯. 基于迭代收缩高分辨率Radon变换的地震道插值,中国地球物理年会,2013
41.李钟晓,陆文凯. GPU加速实现的基于3D匹配滤波器的多次波自适应相减方法,中国地球物理年会,2013
42.刘磊,陆文凯. 基于迭代收缩L1残差最小化的预测反褶积方法,中国地球物理年会,2013
43.王宇晨,陆文凯. GPU加速实现的基于局部多项式滤波器的局部线性相干噪声压制算法,中国地球物理年会,2013
44.刘金林,陆文凯. 基于种子区域生长的沉积微相自动划分,中国地球物理年会,2013
45.王季,陆文凯,程建远,胡继武,姬广忠. 基于透射槽波CT成像的煤矿工作面内陷落柱探测,中国地球物理年会,2013
46.Hu C.H., Lu Wen-kai, Jiang X.D., Gao X.,Semi-supervised Classification of Seismic Attributes, EAGE2012, X012.
47.Lu Wen-kai, A time-domain high-resolution Radon transform based on iterative model shrinkage, EAGE2012, P045.
48.Lu Wen-kai, He J.W., Shi H.S., Li Z.X., Zhang X.T., and Wu Y.L.,An adaptive Over/Under data combination method, EAGE2012, P043.
49.Lu Wen-kai, Zhang C.K.,A Robust Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Method, EAGE2011, Vol. 6, 4280-4284.
50.Cheng Z.H., Lu Wen-kai,Non-iterative High Resolution Radon Transform, EAGE2011, Vol. 6, 4803-4807.
51.李钟晓,陆文凯. 基于有限偏移距的SRME自由表面多次波压制方法,中国地球物理年会,2010
52.甄博然,陆文凯. 地震资料外源噪声压制技术研究,中国地球物理年会,2010
53.魏海涛,陆文凯. 基于全变分的地震信号去噪方法,中国地球物理年会,2010
54.张鹏,陆文凯. 利用局部倾角的地震成像研究,中国地球物理年会,2010
55.唐伟,陆文凯. 基于L1-PCA算法的去相关拉伸技术,中国地球物理年会,2010
56.Zhang Q., Lu WK, Spectral decomposition of seismic data with pseudo Margenau-Hill distribution, EAGE,2009.
57.Tu N. , Lu WK, Direct hydrocarbon detection using a HOS based wavelet extraction method, EAGE,2009.
58.Tu N. , Lu WK, Inverse Q filtering to enhance seismic resolution, IGARSS,2009, Vol II, pp. 345-348.
59.Wang J., Lu WK, A method of correction for marine seismic acquisition, IGARSS,2009, Vol II, pp. 345-348.
66.Lu WK, Liu J., Estimation and removal of the residual normal moveout based on the S- transform, Proceedings of the 2008 Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Vol. 5, pp. 573-576.
67.Wang B., and Lu W., A Fixed-Point Independent Component Analysis with Initialization Constraint, ICCCAS2005, HongKong, Vol 2, pp 891-894.
68.W. Lu, X. Zhou, High-resolution multi-path time delay estimation using 2D blind deconvolution in third order cross-moment domain, ICNNSP2003, 2003, pp 1425-1428, Nanjing, CHINA.
69.K. Yao, W. Lu, et al., Feature expansion and feature selection for general pattern recognition problems, ICNNSP2003, 2003, pp 29-32, Nanjing, CHINA.
70.Lu wenkai, Zhang Shanwen, Seismic-controlled extrapolation of well-log parameters based on frequency-shift, SEG'2003, 2003, Dallas, USA.
71.Lu wenkai, et al, Higher-order statistics based coherency estimation algorithm, SEG'2003, 2003, Dallas, USA.
72.Lu wenkai, et al, Adaptive Multiple Subtraction Using Independent Component Analysis, SEG'2003, 2003, Dallas, USA.
74.W. Lu, Multi-path time delay estimation based on third order cross-moment, ICSP2002.
75.X. B. Zhou and W. Lu, Performance analysis of LA codes in LAS-CDMA, ICSP2002.
76.W. Lu, Adaptive noise attenuation of seismic image using singular value decomposition and texture direction detection, ICIP2002,2002,Vol.2 pp465-468.
77.Fangyu Li, Yandong Li, Wenkai Lu, Yan Zhang, Xiaodong Zheng, Hydrocarbon detection for cavern carbonate reservoir using low-and high-frequency anomalies in spectral decomposition,SEG,2012.
78.Lu W., Hu C., Low-frequency seismic data enhancement using a cascade filter, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 3694 (2010).
79.Chen Z., Lu W., Joint Deconvolution by Signal Subspace Tracking, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 3684 (2010)
80.Zhang C., Lu W., Seismic attributes selection based on SVM for hydrocarbon reservoir prediction, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1586 (2010)
81.Zhang Q., Lu W., Spectral decomposition using deconvolutive short time Fourier transform spectrogram, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1581 (2010)
82.Tu N., Lu WK, An improved peak-frequency-shift method for Q estimation, CPS/SEG,2009.
83.Wang J., Lu WK, A method of coherence cube enhancement using histogram specification, CPS/SEG,2009.
84.Mo X., Lu WK, Deghost based on maximization of non-gaussianity, CPS/SEG,2009.
85.Lu WK, Frequency recovery of band-limited seismic data based on sparse spike train deconvolution and lateral coherence constraint, CPS/SEG,2009.
86.Lu WK, Liu DQ, Frequency recovery of band-limited seismic data based on sparse spike train deconvolution, SEG 2007.
87.Lu WK, Liu L., Li YD, Adaptive multiple subtraction based on constrained independent component analysis, SEG 2007.
88.Lu WK, Liu J., Random noise suppression based on discrete cosine transform, SEG 2007.
89.Lu W., Zhang S., Xiao H., Noise reduction in coherence cube, SEG2004.
90.Lu W., Zhang S., Xiao H., Hidden geology information mining based on spatial deblurring of 3D seismic data, SEG2004.
91.Li Y., Lu W., Zhang S., Xiao H.,Li Y., Dip scanning coherence algorithm using eigenstructure analysis and super-trace technique, SEG2004.
92.Lu W., Yin F., An Adaptive Algebraic Reconstruction Technique, AAPM2004, Medical physics, Vol. 31, No. 6, 2004, pp1785-1785.
93.Yin F.,Guang F., and Lu W.,Combining KV and MV Images to Improve On-Board CT Reconstruction Efficiency, AAPM2004, Medical physics, Vol. 31, No. 6, 2004, pp1869-1869.
94.X. B. Zhou and W. Lu, Performance Comparisons of Iterative Multiuser Detection Techniques in Synchronous Coded CDMA Systems, IEEE TENCON'02.
95.X. B. Zhou and W. Lu, Receiver Techniques Based on the Time-Frequency Channel Model, IEEE TENCON'02.
96.G. Xiong, W. Lu et al., Migration tomography, SEG 2002.
97.W. Lu and Ikelle, L. T., 2002, Imaging beyond seismic wavelength using higher-order statistics, EAGE2002.
98.Ikelle, L. T and W. Lu., 2002, Multishooting method for simulating seismic surveys: Applications to finite-difference modeling, EAGE2002.
99.Wenkai Lu et al., Joint speech signal enhancement based on spectral subtraction and SVD filter, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on spoken language processing, Vol 4, 2000, Beijing, P. R. CHINA.
100.Lu wenkai, Zhang xuegong and Li yanda, Petroleum Reservoir Framework Prediction by Information Fusion,Proceedings of the second international conference on information fusion, 1999, California, USA..
101.Lu wenkai, Zhang xuegong and Li yanda, Multiple removal based on signal reconstruction from stacking velocity , SEG'99, 1999, Houston, USA.
102.Adaptive Multidimensional Homomorphic Deconvolution, 陆文凯,李衍达,CPS/SEG 北京’98 国际地球物理研讨会,1998.6.