


系统工程研究所 所长
智能车路协同与自动驾驶研究中心 主任
智能无人驾驶研究中心 主任

1986年 清华大学自动化系获工学学士学位

1988年 清华大学自动化系获工学硕士学位

1995年 英国Strathclyde大学获博士学位


1989年3月至今 清华大学自动化系


国家“863计划”先进交通技术领域 领域专家







[1] 智能交通系统


[2] 系统工程


[3] 自动检测技术与控制



[1] 提出了城市区域交通状态分析的概念并研究形成了体系化理论与方法;

[2] 提出和建立了我国智能车路协同技术体系,并在此基础上研究了智能群决策群控制理论与方法;

[3] 提出和构建了基于车路协同的全新的自动驾驶技术体系与平台。


[1] 国家十三五重点研发计划重点专项“综合交通运输与智能交通”的项目“车路协同环境下车辆群体智能控制与测试验证”,2019至今

[2] 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“大城市综合交通系统的基础理论与实证研究”的课题“综合交通系统信息感知集成与多式协同出行诱导”,2012-2016

[3] 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“大城市交通拥堵瓶颈的基础科学问题研究”的课题“城市交通信息融合集成与计算实验”,2006-2010

[4] 国家“863计划”主题项目“交通状态感知与信息交互关键技术”的课题“面向出行者视角的多维交通状态感知”,2012-2014

[5] 北京市科技计划项目“绿色校园微循环电动车示范”,2015-2017

[6] 国家自然科学基金创新团队项目“复杂系统控制与信息处理中的若干关键问题研究与应用”,2007-2013

[7] 国家自然科学基金重点项目“数据驱动的控制理论及其在大型复杂系统中的应用”,2009-2012

[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“城市道路交通系统复杂性分析方法研究”,2008-2010

[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于数据挖掘的网络交通状态分析方法研究”,2004-2006

[10] 科技部“十五”攻关项目:智能交通系统基础信息采集与融合技术研究,2006-2008

[11] 交通部跨世纪优秀人才支持项目:智能交通系统的信息组织与协作机制研究,2000-2001

[12] 重大横向项目“兰州市智能交通管理指挥中心系统设计与集成”,2002-2005






2007 年获“中国石油和化学工业协会优秀教材”一等奖,并入选教育部面向21世纪课程教材;该教材(第三版)2013年入选北京市高等教育精品教材,2015年入选教育部“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材。










[1]Huile Xu, Shuo Feng, Yi Zhang, Li Li, "A grouping based cooperative driving strategy for cavs merging problems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.68, no.6, pp.6125-6136, 2019.

[2]Shuo Feng, Yi Zhang, Shengbo Eben Li, Zhong Cao, Henry X. Liu, Li Li, "String stability for ve?hicular platoon control: Definitions and analysis methods", Annual Reviews in Control, vol.47, pp.81-97, 2019.

[3]Huile Xu, Yi Zhang, Li Li, Weixia Li, "Cooperative Driving at Unsignalized Intersections Using Tree Search", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019.

[4]Shuo Feng, Haowei Sun, Yi Zhang, Jianfeng Zheng, Henry X. Liu, and Li Li, "Tube-based discrete controller design for vehicle platoons subject to disturbances and saturation con?straints", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2019.

[5]Huaxin Pei, Shuo Feng, Yi Zhang, Danya Yao, "A Cooperative Driving Strategy for Merging at On-Ramps Based on Dynamic Programming", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.68, no.12, pp.11646-11656, 2019.

[6]Jishiyu Ding, Li Li, Huei Peng, Yi Zhang, "A Rule-Based Cooperative Merging Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys?tems, 2019.

[7]Jishiyu Ding, Huei Peng, Yi Zhang, Li Li, "Penetration effect of connected and automated ve?hicles on cooperative on-ramp merging", IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019.

[8]Mengkai Shi, Yi Zhang, Danya Yao, Chang Lu, "Application-oriented performance compar?ison of 802.11 p and LTE-V in a V2V communication system", Tsinghua Science and Tech?nology, vol.24, no.2, pp.123-133, 2018

[9]Feng Shuo, Wang Xingmin, Sun Haowei, Zhang Yi & Li Li. A better understanding of long-range temporal dependence of traffic flow time series[J]. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 2018, 492: 639-650.

[10]Ding Jishiyu, Zhang Yi & Li Li. Accessibility measure of bus transit networks[J]. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2018, 12(7): 682-688.

[11]Li Weixia, Wu Guoyuan, Zhang Yi & Barth Matthew J. Safety analysis of the eco-approach and departure application at a signalized corridor[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2018, 23(2): 157-171.

[12]Li Weixia, Wu Guoyuan, Zhang Yi & Barth Matthew J. A comparative study on data segregation for mesoscopic energy modeling[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 50: 70-82.

[13]Ding Jishiyu, Feng Shuo, Li Li & Zhang Yi. Campus bus network design and evaluation based on the route property[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2017, 22(5): 539-550.

[14]Li Weixia, Wu Guoyuan, Boriboonsomsin Kanok, Barth Matthew J., Rajab Samer, Bai Sue & Zhang Yi. Development and evaluation of high-speed differential warning application using vehicle-to-vehicle communication[J]. Transportation Research Record, 2017, 2621: 81-91.

[15]Feng Shuo, Ke Ruimin, Wang Xingmin, Zhang Yi & Li Li. Traffic flow data compression considering burst components[J]. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2017, 11(9): 572-580.

[16]Shao Chaoyi, Yang Hai, Zhang Yi & Ke Jintao. A simple reservation and allocation model of shared parking lots[J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2016, 71: 303-312.

[17]Guo Wei, Zhang Yi, Xu Man, Zhang Zuo & Li Li. Parking Spaces Repurchase Strategy Design via Simulation Optimization[J]. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, 2016, 20(3): 255-269.

[18]Zheng Yichen, Zhang Yi & Li Li. Reliable path planning for bus networks considering travel time uncertainty[J]. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2016, 8(1): 35-50.

[19]Guo Wei, Zhang Yi, You Jia-Xuan, Hu Jian-Ming & Pei Xin. Travel modal choice analysis for traffic corridors based on decision-theoretic approaches[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2016, 23(11): 3028-3039.

[20]Zheng Yichen, Xi Xiangyu, Zhuang Yifan & Zhang Yi. Dynamic parameters cellular automaton model for passengers in subway[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2015, 20(6): 594-601.

[21]Li Li, Zhang Qingling, Zhang Yi & Zhu Baoyan. H-infinity Fuzzy Control for Nonlinear Singular Markovian Jump Systems with Time Delay[J]. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2015(896515).

[22]Wang Yizhi, Hu Jianming, Zhang Yi & Xu Chao. Reliability evaluation of IEEE 802.11p-based vehicle-to-vehicle communication in an urban expressway[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2015, 20(4): 417-428.

[23]Guo Wei, Zhang Yi & Li Li. The integration of CPS, CPSS, and ITS: A focus on data[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2015, 20(4): 327-335.

[24]Wang Yizhi, Hu Jianming, Zhang Yi, Xu Chang. Reliability Evaluation of IEEE 802.11p-Based Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in an Urban Expressway, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol. 20(4), 2015.

[25]Guo Wei, Zhang Yi, & Li Li. The integration of CPS, CPSS, and ITS: A focus on data, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 20(4), 327-335 ,2015.

[26]Zheng Yichen, Xi Xiangyu, Zhang Yi. Dynamic parameters cellular automaton model for passengers in subway. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 20(6), 594-601,2015.

[27]Zheng Yichen, Zhang Yi, Li Li, Reliable Path Planning for Bus Networks Considering Travel Time Uncertainty, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 8(1), 35-50, 2015.

[28]Zheng Yichen, Guo Wei, Zhang Yi, Hu Jianming. A Generalized Comfort Function of Subway Systems Based on a Nested Logit Model [J]. TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 19, No. 3, 300-306, 2014.

[29]Zhao Tingting, Nie Yu Marco & Zhang Yi, "Extended spectral envelope method for detecting and analyzing traffic oscillations", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol.61, pp.1-16, 2014.

[30]Hou Lin, Lao Yunteng, Wang Yinhai, Zhang Zuo, Zhang Yi & Li Zhiheng, "Time-varying effects of influential factors on incident clearance time using a non-proportional hazard-based model", Transportation Research Part A-Policy And Practice, Vol.63, pp.12-24, 2014.

[31]Tan Jiyuan, Li Zhiheng, Li Li, Zhang Yi & Lu Lu, "Berth assignment planning for multi-line bus stops", Journal Of Advanced Transportation, Vol.48, No.7, pp.750-765, 2014.

[32]Zhao Ting-ting, Li Zhi-heng, Huang Bing-yan, Mu Bei-peng & Zhang Yi, "Exploring the influence of traveller information on macroscopic fundamental diagrams", IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol.8, No.1, pp.58-67, 2014.

[33]Wang Yizhi, Hu Jianming, Li Li & Zhang Yi, "Optimal coordination of variable speed limit to eliminate freeway wide moving jams", International Journal Of Modern Physics C, Vol.25, No.14500389, 2014.

[34]Tan Jiyuan, Li Li, Li Zhiheng & Zhang Yi, "Distribution models for start-up lost time and effective departure flow rate", Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice, Vol.51, pp.1-11, 2013.

[35]Hou Lin, Lao Yunteng, Wang Yinhai, Zhang Zuo, Zhang Yi & Li Zhiheng, "Modeling freeway incident response time: A mechanism-based approach", Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, Vol.28, No.SI, pp.87-100, 2013.

[36]Yingying Zhang, Danya Yao, Qiu T. Z., Lihui Peng & Yi Zhang, "Pedestrian safety analysis in mixed traffic conditions using video data", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.13, No.4, pp.1832-1844, 2012.

[37]Wang Yizhi, Zhang Yi, Hu Jianming & Li Li, "Using variable speed limits to eliminate wide moving jams: a study based on three-phase traffic theory", International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol.23, No.9, pp.id.1250060, 2012.

[38]Jianming HU, Qiang MENG, Qi WANG, Jiajie ZHANG & Yi ZHANG, "Traffic congestion identification based on image processing", IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol.6, No.2, pp.153-160, 2012.

[39]Chen Xiaobo, Yao Danya, Zhang Yi, Su Yuelong & Zhang Yingying, "Design and implementation of cooperative vehicle and infrastructure system based on IEEE 802.11n", Transportation Research Record, No.2243, pp.158-166, 2011.

[40]Chen Xiqun, Li Li & Zhang Yi, "A markov model for headway/spacing distribution of road traffic", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.11, No.4, pp.773-785, 2010.

[41]Duan Houli, Li Zhiheng & Zhang Yi, "Multiobjective reinforcement learning for traffic signal control using vehicular ad hoc network", EURASIP Journal On Advances In Signal Processing, 2010.

[42]Li Zhiheng, Li Li & Zhang Yi, "IVS 09: Future research in vehicle vision systems", IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, Vol.24, No.6, pp.62-65, 2009.

[43]Yao Danya, Su Yuelong, Zhang Yi, Li Li, Cheng Sihan & Wei Zheng, "Control strategies for transit priority based on queue modeling and surrogate testing", Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.13, No.3, pp.142-148, 2009.

[44]Jin Xuexiang, Zhang Yi, Wang Fa, Li Li, Yao Danya, Su Yuelong & Wei Zheng, "Departure headways at signalized intersections: A log-normal distribution model approach", Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, Vol.17, No.3, pp.318-327, 2009.

[45]Chen Yudong, Li Li, Zhang Yi & Hu Jianming, "Fluctuations and pseudo long range dependence in network flows: A non-stationary Poisson process model", Chinese Physics B, Vol.18, No.4, pp.1373-1379, 2009.

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